New discoveries

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"Good job Titans, rest up. We'll discuss future plans after dinner," Robin informed his team as they entered the Titan's tower. Over the past few months, the Titans had grown into a family. A family of misfits.

They felt like they truly belonged together but there were times when things were not so easy especially with Robin's secrecy. They lived together yet they had no idea what his name was, let alone who he was under the mask. The city had accepted them with open arms. Everything was great, they only wished they knew a little more about their leader. Maybe he didn't trust them enough?

As they entered the living room, they all felt something was off. They quickly got into their fighting stance awaiting an ambush that never came.

"I smell cookies," Beast Boy finally broke the silence as he walked to the kitchen. The others followed noticing the hesitation in their leader's footsteps. They were more than dumbfounded as they watched a woman with an orange mask like Robin's baking cookies in their kitchen.

"Mom?" Robin hesitantly called out to the woman. The team could only watch in shock as their strict leader hugged the woman in joy. For the first time they saw their leader as the kid he was. They truly had forgotten how young he was.

"Friend Robin?" Starfire brought the two back to reality. Robin quickly released the woman, regaining his composure and cold attitude.

"Hello Titans! I'm Robin's mom. Don't mind me," she waved at them. Her smile was contagious. Robin glared at his team before dragging the woman to his room.


"Mom, what are you doing here? Did Bruce send you? You can't be here," Robin paced back and forth in his room.

"Why can't I come to see my son and no Bruce did not send me here although I did get his help," she pulled the boy to sit beside her. "You have grown so much! But I must say, I am not impressed. There were no vegetables in your kitchen. Growing children need their vegetables, especially when they are crime fighting superheroes," she lectured.

"Yes mom," Robin shook his head, removing his mask.

"And clearly you need some sleep, young man!" she pointed at the dark circles under his eyes. "But I am proud that you have been keeping your grades up and keeping this city safe," she ruffled his hair. He missed her motherly love.

"I missed you," he smiled.

"I know," she brought him into a bone crushing hug. The two spent hours catching up.



Beast Boy grabbed a cookie the woman had baked. He smiled in delight as he took his first bite. It had been so long since any of them had home baked food. No one could blame them, after all they were just a bunch of teenagers.

"These are so good," he stuffed his mouth with a few more, the others soon joined.

"Friend Robin's mom truly is a good chef," Starfire complemented. The others paused at her comment.

"I know I shouldn't be shocked but I can't believe he has a mom and she's here!" Beast Boy threw his hands in the air.

"I think we all forget how young he truly is," Raven added.

"Yah but it was nice seeing him so open and childish. Did you see how his eyes lit up? Or how his voice was so much softer?" Cyborg pointed out.

"Is she Mrs. Batman?" Starfire casually questioned. The four sat in silence as they thought about the question. Is Robin Batman's son? They all thought he was but never asked as it was clear they were not on the best terms. He called her mom so probably? Is she also a Superhero? What were they supposed to call her anyways?

"Rob's mom," Cyborg looked at the others as they nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we can finally learn a bit more about our leader," Raven whispered as they ate the last of the cookies. If nothing else, they would have home cooked meals. They had to make sure she stayed for at least a week. Maybe they could even get her to teach them how to cook but they knew they would never cook. It was tiring being a teen hero.


Back to Gotham:

"You do realize that is the Batmobile," Batman grunted as the child stealing the batmobile's tires turned to him.

"You do realize you parked your car in crime alley," he remarked. Batman smirked at his response. The boy had guts. Not to mention, he was on the last wheel. The boy had emerald eyes, raven hair, red hoodie and blue jeans. From the way his clothes were worn out, he knew the boy lived on the streets. Alfred was not going to be pleased but Batman couldn't help it. It was like the universe wanted him to take the boy under his wing.


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