Batman and sons

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"How could you? Robin was mine! How could you take it from me?!" Robin punched Bruce with all his force. The man only stumbled back a few steps, holding his bleeding jaw. "Answer me!"

"I have a drug dealer to catch. Feel free to join," Bruce pulled down his cowl, jumping into the batmobile.

"This is exactly why I left! YOU always do what you want! I'm not YOUR sidekick!" The batmobile screeched out of the cave leaving a fuming Robin behind. "Die for all I care." Robin threw his mask to some corner of the cave as he eyed the new Robin suit. It was like his but with a touch of Jason. He should have known Bruce would replace him. But did he have to take Robin? Robin was given to him by his mother so who gave him the right to take it away?

"I'm sorry. I swear I didn't know. I thought you did," Jason whispered from the shadows. Robin took one deep breath to calm his nerves. He knew he shouldn't blame Jason but there was a part of him that did blame him. Jason was his replacement. His replacement as Batman's Robin and Bruce's son. Perhaps it was his jealousy speaking but the boy had the whole manor wrapped around his fingers and that included him. Dick saw him as his little brother but now he only saw him as his replacement. Funny how things change so quickly.

"Like I'll believe that," he bitterly answered before running to his room. He had to keep reminding himself it wasn't Jason's fault but Bruce's. That didn't help the hater that had begun to rise.

"Richard would you - " He walked past Jane not sparing her a glance. She knew but didn't say a word because it wasn't 'her place'. Not that she was wrong. She wasn't his mother and she wasn't in a relationship with Bruce. She was just a guest overstaying her visit. It would only be a matter of time before Bruce kicked her out. He had a way of making people leave his side.


"Hey Dick.....Wanna play a game?" Jason offered a controller. Dick walked past him like he didn't exist. The small boy ran out of the room in tears. He never had anyone watching his back on the streets but ever since he met Dick, he didn't have to be afraid. He knew there was always someone looking out for him but now the same brother who would have taken a bullet for him without hesitation, glared at him with hatred. It was his fault. He should have never taken the title Robin. But it was also Bruce's. Jason asked him countless times if Dick knew and every time he only "hmm" ed in reply. Just like his brother, he too ignored the man. It hurt to see his new found family shattered into pieces.


"If they keep this up, they're only going to hurt each other," Jane glanced at Bruce and the boys. Bruce sat at the head of the dining table with Jason six chairs to his left and Richard 10 chairs to his right. All three stared holes into their plates, refusing to look up. "Why do we have such a big dining table?" She huffed as she prepared the salad.

"Perhaps the masters are taking the 'walls have ears' personification too seriously?" Alfred tried to lighten the mood. "But I do suggest the Miss should step in now. Master Bruce is good at many things but communicating is not one of them," Jane gave him a small smile as she came up with the most cringe worthy idea. It was better than nothing.

"Alfred I have an idea.......could you bring the boys to the theater room in ten minutes," she quickly washed her hands, forgetting the salad.

"Of course but if I may, what is the plan?" Jane only smirked.

"Actions speak louder than words Alfred."


"If you think locking us in one room is going to work then you're wrong!" Dick banged at the door. He continued to bang at the door until Jason had to pull him away.

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