Grounded to reality

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It had been months since Wayne manor heard the laughter of their youngest. Months since any of them had laughed. Months since any one had been happy. Months since anyone smiled. It was like the manor's life had been stolen. Though not all was bad. Jane and Bruce had gotten closer than ever. Jane was Bruce's rock, keeping him grounded but there was only so much she could do.

"BRUCE!!!!!!" Jane screamed as she ran into the manor. It had been months since Alfred had heard so much joy, excitement, concern and pride in her voice. For the first time since Dick's departure he smiled.

"Miss Jane, may I suggest using our inner voices," he remarked though he was more than happy to hear so much emotion in her voice.

"Sorry," she hugged Alfred before dragging him down to the cave where she knew she would find a certain bat. "BRUCE!!!!! You have got to see this!" Bruce was shocked by her sudden outburst but covered it up with a grunt. Jane only huffed before pushing him to the side and taking his place in front of the computer.

"Jane, I was researching a case," he growled.

"Don't use that tone with me Mister andddd this is so much more important than your case," she gave him a small glare before pulling a Jump City news site.

"Jump city?"

"Just watch."


"As you can see, Jump city is being invaded by aliens but fear not because the situation is being handled by a bunch of teens! You heard me folks, a bunch of teens!" a middle aged woman mocked.

The camera moved to zoom in to a green boy who turned into a dinosaur running into the heart of the invasion.

Next it zoomed in to a girl with a dark purple cloak who formed a barrier to contain the damage.

Then the camera pointed to the sky, zooming in on a girl with a purple skirt and crop top with pink hair. She floated in the air, throwing a power blast from above.

Soon the camera moved to a boy, half robot and half human. Just like the girl, he blasted his invaders with his hand cannons.

Finally the camera landed on a boy in red, green and yellow. The boy fought with his staff and expensive equipment, giving orders to the other teens. He kept them organized, and focused. The teens worked together like a well oiled machine. It wasn't long before they took down the last of the invaders.

"Your Robin right? Where's Batman?" Screamed the middle aged reporter. Robin glared at her before turning to his team.

"Hey! You guys were awesome! Do you guys have a name?" Screamed the camera man, completely ignoring the middle aged woman. The teens turned to the man, giving him a small wave.

"We're the Teen Titans!" winked the green boy.


Alfred quickly wiped his tears, smiling proudly at the screen. Bruce continued to stare at the screen or to be more exact at his son's smile when they announced they were the Teen Titans. He was so proud. So proud of his son. So happy that he had found a place for himself. Happy that he wasn't alone. For the first time since his son left, he smiled. He breathed in relief. It felt like a great weight had been lifted off his heart. His boy was growing up and he couldn't be more proud.

"They are going to be staying in Jump City anddd they are building their own tower," Jane smiled at the two men clapping her hands together. "The city has accepted them and is supporting them in building the tower."

Bruce playfully raised an eyebrow while Alfred chuckled at their antics. Richard would always have the support of his family.

"And?" Bruce questioned.

"Annnddd Mr. Bruce Wayne and Ms. Jane LaRoss could always give them an anonymous hand." The two grinned like idiots, planning who knows what. They always had their son's back even if he didn't know it.


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