1. I Miss Gon

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Hisoka POV:

It was mid-afternoon and me, Illumi and Chrollo were all hanging about in the forest. I was in my usual spot; sat upright against a tree, shuffling my cards. Illumi was sat above me on a high branch, polishing his pins whereas Chrollo simply sat opposite us, reading his book. I could sense 2 other members of the Phantom Troupe lurking around in the leaves; keeping an eye on Chrollo.

"Hm~ Say Illumi, what ever happened to my Little Fruit~♥️" I sang.

Illumi paused. "Gon." He stated. "He, Killua and Alluka moved away."

"Moved away huh~ And where abouts did they move to?♥️"

"He discovered my pin 7 miles West of his journey."

I hummed in response. 7 miles West huh?

I leaned back and delicately placed a hand on my forehead. "I do miss my Gon~♠️" I whined

"Go find him then." Illumi spoke absent-mindedly.

"Oh I should~ Thank you Illumi~ Hm... How do we find him?♠️" I stood up. "Chrollo?♥️"

Chrollo peered over his book. "What do you need?" He asked cheerfully.

"Do you have a power where you can track a person down~♦️" I asked. "I need to find my Little Fruit~♥️"

He smiled and flipped through his book. "Let me see... Ah! Here! Palm Siberia. Wink Blue." His eyes scanned the page. "Oh... I'm sorry Hisoka, I must look at the person with my own two eyes."

I giggled. "Ah~ You have indeed seen this person with your own eyes♣️~ He has soft black hair and a cute face; we met him in York New~ The children, remember~"

Chrollo have me his million-dollar smile and covered his right eye.

After a few moments of concentration, he spoke up. "Oh! I know where he is" He gleamed.

"Brilliant~ Illumi? Shall we go~♣️"

Illumi jumped from the tree, making no sound as he landed. His blank stare told me he was ready.

Chrollo had summoned two of the Troupe members; Shalnark and Machi and was politely giving them instructions about our next course of action.

"It's going to be a long journey." He announced to Illumi and I.

And with that- our journey to find Gon had begun.


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