18. Do you want the ball?

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Hisoka POV:

Left goes... here... Right goes... here... Middle moves to the left...
Right moves to the middle... Add the last flower... And...


Illumi lifted his dainty mirror and admired his hair.

"It's called a French Braid~♥️" I added.

"I never knew you could do hair, Hisoka. Where did you learn?" Illumi asked, still observing his almost-perfect braids.

"Hm... I don't remember where, but I saw someone with hair like this once so just practiced it till I got it right!♥️" I answered.

Illumi pivoted around to face me.

Since the Ferris Wheel, his eyes have just seemed... Softer.

"Huh? Who did you practice on? I thought you didn't have friends." He commented.

I chuckled. "I practiced on myself, silly~♥️"

"Oh..." He trailed off as he began to run his hands through my hair. "How do you keep your hair up? There's no gel in here."

"Bungee Gum of course~♥️" I said as I removed my aura and let my hair fall down.

He slightly giggled at my statement. "Bungee Gum?" He playfully repeated.

"It's useful!♦️" I pouted.

"Your hair is pretty long." Illumi mumbled as he rubbed the ends of my hairs between his two fingers.

As he leaned in closer, I took the opportunity to peck his cheek.

"Hisoka!" He whisper-shouted, becoming flustered. "You know Chrollo has been watching us this whole time."

I giggled before clearing my throat. "Chrollo, you can come out now~♥️" I called.

"I'm sorry!" He called back, appearing from behind a tree with his hands up. "I didn't want to ruin the moment!"

"Nothing will come between me and my boyfriend~♥️" I flaunted while putting my hand on his thigh.

"Ironic." Illumi grunted under his breath.

I gently squeezed his leg in response to his comment.

Chrollo sat down and lent on a tree opposite us. "Is it safe to assume we all enjoyed our journey?" He smiled.

"Mhm~♥️" I replied as Illumi nodded.

"We should totally do stuff like that more often!" He continued.

I pulled out my cards and began thoroughly shuffling them. "Why don't we?♦️"

"What's there to do?" He chuckled.

I dealt 9 cards between us. "We'll think of something, I'm sure~ But for now, Desmoche?♥️"

Last time we played this card game, Chrollo didn't win once.

"Oh-ho-ho, it's been a long while since I played this game... The one where you need 10 cards, right?"

I smirked and nodded. "Illumi dear~ It's your turn to pick a card.♥️"

"Peladilla." He calmly stated, meaning an automatic win.

He arranged his cards and lay them on the patch of grass in front of him.

Chrollo burst into laughter. I, on the other hand, was competitively pissed off.

Illumi looked at me, cockiness written all over his seemingly unchanged face.

He eventually shrugged his shoulders and Chrollo began to calm down.

"First time too, Illumi!" Chrollo exclaimed between small giggles.

"Hmph.♦️" I sounded as I crossed my arms.

"Chrollo, you can-"

I was interrupted by loud barking rapidly thundering closer to us.

"Hey Hey Hey!" A man yelled, running into view.

The dog was about to jump at us, however my Bungee Gum acted as a barrier.

The dog whimpered as it got flung back a few metres.

"Yo! What happened!" The man yelled again as he tended to his dog, putting it on a lead.

Oh, it's that bald brat from the Hunter Exam.

He touched my Gon...

Hanzo smiled. "Oh, Hey! It's you two... Hisoka-san and... Gitarakuru-san!"

It's Illumi you incompetent child.

The three of us silently stared at him. Slowly crushing him with discomfort.

Leave us alone.

He rubbed the back of his head. "I kinda expected you guys to be friends, you guys were so mysterious and stuff." He awkwardly rambled.

"A friend of yours?" Chrollo finally spoke up.

"Oh! My name is Hanzo!" He bowed. "Nice to meet you..."

"Chrollo." He answered.

"Chrollo-san, nice to meet you."

"Hanzo! Did ye' get that bloody mutt?" Another man with a thicc accent called.

"Yep!" He called back. "It's been great seeing you both again. Take care!" He hummed and jogged off in the direction of the voice.

He finally left, it felt like he was there for hours.

"Anyway.♠️" I huffed. "Chrollo, you can deal the cards.♥️"

He absent-mindedly began to collect the cards. He started to shuffle them but stopped.

"Let's get a dog!" He beamed.


Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now