11. Got my hat on backwards

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Illumi POV:

Chrollo, Hisoka and I were walking back to Killua's home. It was silent, giving me time to think about the man walking beside me.

When you first hear about Hisoka, you feel scared. He's strong and unpredictable. When you think he'll do one thing, he does another. He's a selfish man but he knows what he wants.

Happiness. Excitement. Joy.

He's admirable for always consciously looking for a challenge. Hence why he wanted to fight Gon. A boy who continuously grows stronger- or "more ripe" as Hisoka puts it.

One day, I will not be useful to him. It's inevitable to say the least. I don't want to admit it but- it makes my heart wrench a little. I hope one day he'll say the words: "I'll never leave you". My worries of loosing him would be put to rest then.

"Hey, Hisoka." Chrollo whispered. "About your plan, do you have a way to escape? You never mentioned it."

That's true... Hisoka usually sets a goal and makes things up along the way.

"We shouldn't get caught, it's just a harmless prank at the end of the day.♦️" He whispered back, it was clearly hard for him to control his excitement.

Hisoka is planning to scare Alluka throughout the night. He wants us to leave Gon and Killua alone but I think leaving Gon alone will be hard on Hisoka.

After a calm 15 minute walk, we'd made it back to the bungalow. All the lights were off,
we masked our presence and Hisoka peered through the windows.

In the first room there was an empty living room, in the second was a bedroom. Gon and Killua were asleep together, Alluka in the middle of the two.

They look like a family...

We began to shift our way to the third room when we detected movement. We watched as Alluka crawled out of bed and tiredly sludged to the kitchen.

"Oh~ This is too easy~♦️" Hisoka mischievously announced and tapped the kitchen window, quickly hiding out of view.

Alluka paused for a second. It seems she was in the middle of making a midnight snack.

Chrollo opened his book. "Machi Komachine - Thread Needles."

He lifted his hand to release the threads and sure enough, they were able to slip under the back door of the house and pick the lock.

Hisoka used his Bungee Gum to silently open the door while I skillfully threw my pin inside to the other side of the room.

There was another pause but then we saw Alluka waddle over to investigate the noise.

While she was distracted, all three of us entered the house and hid.

I threw another pin behind her, causing her to spin round in fear. She briefly looked around the area but hadn't seen either of us.

Alluka began to resume making her snack, she was on edge and would occasionally examine her surroundings.

All Hisoka wanted to do was scare her but it seems he wasn't satisfied. Carefully, he snuck up behind Alluka and tapped her shoulder. She froze in horror at the touch, not daring to turn around.

"Hello~♦️" He said creepily.

Alluka tried to scream but her attempt was muffled by Hisoka's gum. She began to kick and make a fuss, eventually waking her housemates up.

Gon was first to emerge from the bedroom. "Alluka?" He asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

Of course the three of us hid.

"Gon-Kun!" She cried as she ran into his arms.

"What's wrong Alluka-Chan?" His voice had woken up Killua.

"Gonnn..." He droned. "Come back to beddd..."

"Onii-chan!" Alluka whimpered, making her way from Gon to Killua. "There-there w-was a m-monster!"

"Gon, take Alluka to bed, I'll look around." He yawned.

Gon and Alluka complied and disappeared back to the room. There was a brief silence before Killua cleared his throat. "Illumi? Hisoka? You guys can come out now."

We stayed put but Hisoka motioned for Chrollo to stand up.

"Hey little guy..." Chrollo said with an unsettling friendliness.

"Who are you!" Killua shouted, immediately putting his guard up.

"Um... I'm friends with your brother." He explained.

"Illumi's here?" He asked looking around.

I guess it's my time to shine.

I revealled my presence and stepped into my brother's view.

"Hey Kil." I said as I waved.


He was at a loss for words, he was confused and a little angry.

"Get out my house!" He eventually shouted.

"Now that's no way to speak to your brother~♠️" Hisoka popped up from behind me.

When did he get behind me? He's really good.

"All three of you out!" He warned, his aura becoming more prominent.

"W-we were just leaving... Right guys?" Chrollo spoke up and began to gently push us out the door.

Just before the back door clicked shut, we heard Killua scream: "And stay out you pedo clown!"


On our way back, Chrollo couldn't stop laughing at "pedo clown". Chrollo's laugh was enough to make me snigger. Hisoka, on the other hand, was extremely unimpressed. His bloodlust was just beginning to calm down after a few minutes. Mine and Chrollo's laughter didn't help though.


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