37. Why you sad? Why you mad?

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Illumi POV:

"Illumi~♥️" Hisoka whined.

After his tantrum last night, I don't want to talk to him.

"Babe, I'm sorry for what I said~ I don't think you're a weak, submissive, bitchy, good-for-nothing, accident.♥️"

Stop rubbing it in.

Last night I had to carry Hisoka back to the caravan all the way from the beach.

I'd say I'm pretty strong but carrying Hisoka on my back for 3 miles has made me realise the limit to my ability. My legs still ache.

When we got home, he threw a playing card at me, luckily for him, he was drunk so he threw it a mile off. He still did it though.

Then, he shoved me into the wall and shouted at me, saying he wanted to go back to the beach.

He also smashed a tea cup provided by the caravan park, ripped a hole in the the sofa with his nails, and I think there was a dent in wall where he pushed me.

There was a lot of shouting, insults and aggressive shoving.

In the end, I just left him in the living room and went to bed; at some while I was asleep, he joined me in bed, clearly without showering.

"Honey, I know you're awake~ Please forgive me.♥️" He pouted as he covered my neck in kisses.

"Fix the sofa, clean up your mess..." I quietly but angrily mumbled.

"Huh? What was that Sweetie?♥️" He innocently asked.

I sat up in the bed and removed his arm from around my waist.

"Fix the sofa and dents, clean up the tea cup and call the caravan park to apologise for breaking it, go shower by yourself, go buy me breakfast and get dressed by 11:00 at the latest." I ordered.

"But it's 10:30!♣️" He complained.

I remained silent to which he rushed out of bed to run all the errands.

I wonder who has the bigger headache- me or him.

Within 15 minutes, he'd cleaned the caravan and showered and was now out the door.


He loudly kicked the door open after 10 minutes of being out. "Bacon pancakes, making bacon pancakes~♥️" He sang. "Take some bacon...♥️"

He sang that annoying song on repeat until he returned to the bedroom, bringing me a plate of breakfast in bed.

I put the book that I was reading down and shuffled forward, creating an unwanted opportunity for him to squeeze behind me.

"I did everything. Will you forgive me now?♥️" He pleaded, hugging me.

"I have hundreds of reasons to be angry at you right now." I stated. "But... It does appear that my arms have stopped working... I think I might need to ask you another favour."

He immediately took the hint and happily brought a fork of food to my mouth. The coordination was a little off since he was sat behind me but we made it work.

"Have you let Mochi out for the bathroom?" I asked, just as I do everyday.

"Well I mean I took him out if that counts~♥️" He joked.

Oh, right.

Thanks Hisoka.

I elbowed his stomach, remembering why I was angry.

"I thought your arms stopped working.♠️" He groaned.

"It slipped." I duly replied.


We were to be out of the caravan by 12:00 so we got everything ready and left.

"Is the bus picking us up?♥️" Hisoka asked.

Just then the bus turned the corner, answering his question.

Just like our first time on the bus, the Phantom Troupe were all sat at the back, Chrollo was driving and Mike waited for us in our seats. The only difference was the ominous boxes on the spare seats.

"Hey Illumi, have fun last night?" Chrollo giggled.

"Don't remind me." I sighed.

He laughed. "I almost felt bad for you after listening to those voicemails."

What voicemails- fucks sake Hisoka

I smiled and nodded and took my seat.

Hisoka followed; we were up pretty late last night so it was easy to fall asleep right after sitting down.

Since it was daytime, our breaks weren't as relaxing due to the amount of people who were also on the road and at rest stops.

It went by pretty quickly; part of me wanted to stay at the mansion but the rest of me was excited to finally sleep in Hisoka's bed.


The bus came to a gentle stop once we reached the familiar grounds of the forest entrance. Once we were safety parked, Chrollo got up from his seat and started his compulsory speech.

"I hope you all had a great journey!" He started. "It's been so fun to catch up and create new memories with all of you. I hope we get to do this again very soon. Now. Hisoka? Illumi? Would you like to wait for me where we usually hang out? I'll join you in a minute."

Hisoka hummed, taking my hand, aswell as our bags, and leading me inside the woods.

In the distance I could hear Chrollo starting another minature monologue but it was soon drowned out by the calming sound of leaves crunching under our feet.

It was a peaceful walk; there was nothing that was needed to be said at that moment in time.

It took us a while but we finally made it to our usual spot. Hisoka immediately dropped all our luggage and looked at me, pulling me into a warm hug.

"I'm sorry.♥️" He softly cried.

"It's ok." I responded.

I love you...


Soon enough, Chrollo and Mike joined us.

He's alone. He has no spiders. Does that mean he finally trusts us with his safety? He's so particular about these kinds of things, so he must have faith in us.

It was mid-afternoon by now and me, Hisoka and Chrollo were all hanging out in the forest; like we always do.


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