31. Speed Limit forty five

1.7K 76 40

Illumi POV:

We only have 3 days of the dog training left. I'm gonna miss these dogs... I've made so many tiny friends...

I looked around the gardens, we'd just finished learning the trick of today so the dog owners were doing individual training.

During the individual training, the two classes can mix so me and Chrollo joined Hisoka and Nobunaga.

Hisoka makes me laugh. After Chrollo got pricked with the pin, Hisoka has been scared to talk to Nobunaga. I'm not sure what happened and quite frankly I don't care but the aftermath is rather amusing.

Chrollo playfully made two finger guns at the dogs. And, with sound effects, shot them down, giving them a multitude of treats at their trick.

"Hey Illumi." Chrollo nudged me. "I think your boyfriend is still jealous of the dogs."

Me and Chrollo made eye contact with the man at topic.

"He's such a child." I whispered, still looking at him.

We giggled and turned our attention back to the dogs, Hisoka's eyes still staring draggers at us.

"Hey Hisoka!" I heard Zepile yell. He and Gon marched over to them. I didn't see Hisoka's face but I know exactly how he reacted.

"Uh oh~" Chrollo began. "Zepile has been interested in Hisoka's rings recently."

I sat on the grass next Mochi and Mike. "According to Hisoka, Zepile tried to 'attack' him and steal his rings."

"Wouldn't put it past him." He laughed and joined me on the grass. "He's been getting a little intense recently, he really likes my earrings and he's convinced Eliza's engagement ring is fake."

"People like him are easily the scariest out there." I stated.

Chrollo gave me a concerned nod and we watched Zepile try to pry the rings off Hisoka's outfit.

Meanwhile, Gon joined the circle around me.

Thank you for neglecting your dog Zepile.

"Hi Gon! Hi Mikey! Hi Mochi!" I quietly exclaimed in my newly formed 'dog voice'.

I made a gun with my fingers and fake shot Gon; resulting in all three dogs rolling onto their backs.

"Don't they get enough treats?" Chrollo brought up just as I emptied my stock of treats onto the grass.

"I'm sure they're fine." I mumbled.


Class was over and Hisoka was outwardly exhausted; meaning he was thousands of times more clingy to me than usual.

At one point on our walk home, he got on my back. I didn't fight back and simply carried him home.

Carrying him will be less tiring than dealing with his complaints.

Upon returning to the caravan, I carelessly dumped him on the sofa, dropped the dogs off and left with Chrollo for a date.

We walked through the main part of the town together, Nobunaga had skillfully blended into the crowd, to the point even I couldn't find him without excess Nen.

I've said this before; the spiders don't look like much but when it comes down to it, they're up there in skill levels.

"I'm so happy to finally spend time with you!" Chrollo gleamed.

I gently nodded, quickly realising me and Chrollo have only ever talked about tea and dogs.

Fortunately, Chrollo is good at talking so he began to babble. "Honestly, I thought you hated me before, you were always so open about how much you didn't care. It's the complete opposite for me, I'm told I show I care to the point that I show I care too much, y'know? ... Well, I guess you wouldn't know." He giggled. "May I ask why you're so tight lipped?"

He patiently waited for me to form my answer. "I suppose I blocked out the human emotions. I've always been taught they get in the way so I wanted to avoid them." I responded.

Oh he's much easier to talk to than Hisoka.

"Wow... Assassins are scary. I can't believe you managed to block it all out, that's a strangely impressive skill."

"Then Hisoka came along." I chuckled.

"You two really compliment eachother, in terms of first impressions, I would never pair you two together. It's no surprise though, as soon as he sets his eyes on you, it's over."

We both nodded in agreement.

"Oh we're here!" He grinned. "This is the biggest library in the district; that's pretty cool, right?"

"It's bigger than I imagined." I stated, taking note of the old-fashioned architecture.

"Well we know what we're here for, let's go!" He tapped my shoulder as an indicator to follow him.

Inside was your standard library; cosy wooden shelves in neat rows. To the left was a reception, presumably where you buy and rent books. And to the right, there were table and chairs that were already occupied by hard working students.

"Ok so there's a tiny map... look isn't it cute?" He giggled as he waved it in my face. "Anyways, the dog section should be over here." He mumbled and started to walk in a specific direction.

I trusted his map reading skills to follow him head on. Sure enough, he led us to an area dedicated to dog maintenance and care books.

We came here to try get some info on how to raise Mochi and Mike but I'm more interested in the pictures of dogs on the covers.

I picked up a book titled "Top 100 best dog pictures". Like a child, I eagerly flipped through it.

I'm buying this.

Next to it, I saw another book titled "Dog pictures to make you a dog person". Again, I happily flipped through it.

"Illumi. What are you reading?" Chrollo chuckled.

"Dog pictures." I absent-mindedly replied.

He chuckled once more and pulled out his phone. "Look!" He said, pointing his screen at me. "There's infinite dog pictures on here." He confidently stated.

I gently took his phone and scrolled through the images. I sat on the small seat against the wall, mesmerised.


"Come on Illumi, it's time to go."

We were outside the shop, Chrollo had a bag of books in his hand while I stood, disoriented on how we got here.

"Um. Sorry." I apologised, returning his phone.

He laughed. "You must really like dogs."

I gave a single nod and smiled.


A/N: Why'd I make Illumi like dogs so much lmaoo

Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now