6. Do not disturb

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Hisoka POV:

I woke up in the early morning, before sunrise, tightly embraced to Illumi.

There's someone in our room. They better have a good reason for disturbing us.♠️

Heavy but slow footsteps began to make their way towards Illumi and I.

Both of us were awake; me, being on top, made the first move. My bungee Gum wrapped around the intruders ankles and tripped them over. A object clattered from their hand.

A knife~

Upon discovering the weapon, a pin shot into their forehead.

Illumi sat up, causing me to stand.

I turned the lights on to reveal one of the sailors, just above average height, reasonably muscular.

"Hmph.♠️" I complained, crossing my arms. "I could have handled that.♠️"

"Chrollo said don't make a scene. At least now he won't scream." Illumi responded.

I crouched down the man, who was lying on to stomach on the floor. I clutched his face and pulled him to his feet.

"What are you doing, Sir?♦️"

The man looked at me with a blank expression, I looked over to Illumi for answers.

"He is brainwashed. I want to know why here is here." Illumi explained

"Ah~ I would expect nothing less from you sweetie~♦️"

"What did we say about sweetie?" He spat.

"Sorry dear~♥️ Anyways~ Can you ask this 'lovely' man why he is here?♠️"

He stood up and snatched the man from my grip, staring into the poor sod's soul.

"Why are you here." Illumi demanded.

Ah he doesn't mess around... I like that~

"You." The sailor pointed at me. "You looked at my girl the wrong way earlier. I figured I could get rid of you in your sleep." The man thoughtlessly confessed.

Illumi's pin beat me to the man's neck. Blood began to squirt in all directions; over the floor, walls, ceilings and myself.

The pin hadn't killed him but instead slowly tortured the stranger.

People really like to underestimate me~

I took a card, three of spades, and in one movement, cut his right ear off. Then his pinky, then his ring finger, then his middle.

After each finger I removed, my bloodlust grew stronger.

"Hisoka. Stop." Illumi snapped me out my trans. "You know how you get after dismembering someone. Chrollo said no."

After a long pause, I obeyed Illumi. "Fine.♠️" I huffed.

"Help me throw his body overboard then.♥️"

And we did just that. Nobody saw, fortunately for them. I used Texture Surprise on the bloodstained areas of our room.

Me and Illumi lay on our separate sides of the bed.

"We've got 5 hours till the ship lands, hm?" I asked.

Illumi's silence confirmed my statement.

We lay together in the dim dusk lighting. The birds hadn't yet started chirping and the only noise was the distance cheers of sailors playing card games below the deck.

I was drifting off to sleep when the covers twitched and Illumi shuffled.

"Yes, dear?♥️" I mumbled.

He replied by squeezing under my arm and throwing his arm and leg over me.

I reciprocated the cuddle and pulled him closer.

"Those girls must have really got to you, huh~" I gently teased.

He wouldn't do this unless he felt really insecure. This is as emotional as he gets...

I played with his hair as he used his finger to create swirls on my chest.

I have to ask.

"Illumi...♥️" I started. "Why can't we made this official? Maybe it will help you feel less insecure.♥️"

He slightly tensed up. "Assassins don't have relationships." He rehearsed.

You say that everytime I bring this up... I already know this conversation is pointless.

"But what about your parents, they have a relationship.♠️" I tried to hide my frustration, however I failed.

"They both recognised their power and used that power to create powerful children."

"Well... We're both powerful.♠️"

"We can't have children." Illumi responded bluntly.

"We don't need children...♥️"

"Humans exist to procreate."

We've had this disagreement thousands of times. Illumi is very stubborn when it comes to his viewpoints.

Knowing he'd try leave, I carefully wrapped Illumi in Bungee Gum before saying my next statement.

"Humans exist to seek happiness.♠️"

Illumi tried to roll away to his side of the bed but was stopped by my rubbery-gum-like aura.

"Hisoka I don't want to speak about this." He muttered.

"How will making things official negatively impact you?♠️"

"Assassins don't-" I cut him off by covering his mouth in gum.

He released an angry Ren and I mimicked it.

I focused all my aura into the Ren so Illumi was able to escape my Bungee Gum. He stormed to the bathroom and locked the door. His aura still seeping through the cracks.

I let out an audible frustrated sigh and grabbed a pillow, trying to recreate Illumi's presence next to me.


Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now