34. Imma fucking rip your face off, bitch

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Chrollo POV:

Franklin was last to dash down the driveway; shooting at the guards behind him and the dogs in front of him.

At this moment, the walkway he was running down seemed freakishly long, it seemed tiring to have to carry a big sack of the mansion's goods, all while accurately shooting at people.

We were mostly staring through a tall bush in order to see him.

I was almost lost in the tense change until I saw a ruffling in the bush. And just in time, I darted my eyes down to see a familiar auburn tail vanish from our side of the hedge.

"Mochi!" Illumi called, running towards the crimescene, being quickly followed by a purposely inaccurate shot of Bungee Gum.

Right at the moment, right as Mochi stepped onto the driveway, Franklin stormed past; thus accidentally booting the dog into the air.


It was just like how the movies describe it- time slowed down as Mochi flew through the sky.


Right before the fatal landing, we heard it.


Mochi's final bark.


Despite the chaos around us, all was quiet.

Everyone that was attending the class that day had witnessed the murder and no one could speak a word.

The Spiders didn't bat an eyelash as they sped away in the bus; successful in their mission.

Fortunately I was positioned at the back of the crowd so I turned my back to the other dog owners;

My eyes are too watery and my face is red- I can't let anyone see me like this.

Pakunoda did the same but placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her to see a devious smirk piercing her lips.

Don't fucking laugh, Chrollo. Don't fucking laugh...

I was in my own personal touture. Trying to conceal my giggles with coughs, all while acting sad and empathetic to keep up appearances.

Pakunoda seemed to be struggling just as much as I.

"You didn't tell me Mochi was also a bird." She stifled.

Her comment resulted in my lips being peeled even deeper inside my mouth, I had to hold my nose and bite my tongue in order to not make any noise.

It's so quiet... Please can someone speak up... Just so I can laugh.

Illumi stood up from the bush, he cleared his throat while he and Hisoka silently walked over to their original spot in the garden; just in front of me.

No one dared to look at them.

(Which proved to be a good thing for me and Pakunoda.)

"Whoopsie daisy~♣️" Hisoka nonchalantly commented.

Illumi absolutely battered him with punches and kicks to his stomach and pins to his body.

"Idiot." He scoffed. "I liked Mochi."

"I tried to save him.♥️" Hisoka shrugged.


"Bullshit." Illumi said, mimicking my inner thoughts.

It's only been a month since they started dating but they act like they've been married for years...

Their small interaction acted as a big breath of fresh air for the atmosphere.

Anyway. My question still stands- where's Nobunaga?

I glanced around the area, trying to decphier any movement near or in the mansion.

Pakunoda had also calmed down. "He's not on the bus." She informed, putting her phone back in her purse.

"Alright... Thank you." I responded.

I trust that he'll get himself out of whatever situation he's got himself in but this is a little weird; everyone got out pretty easily, Nobunaga isn't the strongest member, but compared to those guards?

Going inside the mansion now would seem a little suspicious, so that's out of the question.

I can't help but worry when there's a sudden change in plans.


A house servant appeared in the garden and took Hisoka and Illumi away.

"That's gonna be some nice compensation." I joked in a whisper.

Pakunoda cooly smiled and nodded.


A/N: I wanted to practice creating tense scenes but this just seems so rushed, I'm sorry >:(

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