3. Blimp Ride

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Hisoka POV:

"I worked it out last night and our journey will take a minimum of 2 days" Chrollo happily declared.

His voice turned into a grumble. "Unfortunately, we must take a blimp to our next destination. The earliest flight is in 2 hours, so you two are free to roam till then."

Chrollo dismissed us and disappeared into the large crowd of people in the town.

Me and Illumi stood together in silence.

"What would you like to do Illumi~♥️" I asked.

"Let's just wait for 2 hours."

"Is that all?♠️" I frowned but his answer didn't change. "Alright~♥️"

We walked into a coffee shop and took our seats. I ordered a vanilla latte whereas Illumi ordered a strawberry smoothie.

"Oh~ Illumi, my love, you only drink smoothies when you're nervous... It is the blimp ride?♥️"

It really shocks me that Illumi is scared of flying. He believes that there's no where to run if things go to shit... He is a very cautious assassin, maybe that's what draws me to him~

He gave no reaction which often ment a yes.

"It'll be ok~ I won't let anything happen to you~♥️"

The corners of his mouth twitched; it wasn't quite a smile but for Illumi- I knew he was feeling rather cheerful.

We each took a sip from our drinks. I could feel someone's eyes on my back. They weren't a Nen user so I turned around.

Sure enough, there was a small child staring me down.

I put on a fake smile and waved my hand. The child excitedly waved back and immediately told their mum about the stranger that just waved at them.

That child's brown eyes remind me of Gon... Oh Gon~ I can't wait to meet you again~

"Hisoka." Illumi spoke up


"You're planning to spar with Gon, correct?" He double-checked.

"Why of course I am~♦️" I replied.

"Killua won't allow it. Would you like me to take care of him?"

"Oh if you don't mind~ I'd like some alone time with my Gon~♥️"

He gave a subtle nod and sipped his smoothie.


After 2 hours, we met up with Chrollo and were waiting at the airport for our blimp to be prepared.

Illumi was starting to get nervous; he hid it well but I've known him long enough to be able to spot his nervous habits.

One habit he had was holding his own hand behind his back. As we were walking to board the blimp, I grabbed his hand.

He didn't let go but instead looked at me.

"Hisoka. What are you doing?" He asked.

"Holding your hand, of course~♥️"

He nodded and moments after we stepped onto the aircraft, the blimp began to rise, causing Illumi to tighten his grip on me.

I don't know what it is but... Something about someone as strong as Illumi being scared... Really turns me on~

Fortunately, this was a private blimp so me and Illumi got our own rooms. Illumi wanted to be alone so I joined Chrollo and 4 of his spiders in the bar.

Shalnark and Uvogin, #6 and  #11, were sat to the side, playing some silly game on Shalnark's phone.

Feitan and Phinks, #2 and #5, were enjoying a drink with their boss, they looked happy until I sat beside them.

"Yahooo~♦️" I announced.

"Ah, Hisoka! Nice to see you out and about!" Chrollo looked around the room. "Illumi is in his room I presume?" He asked.


Feitan and Phinks didn't hide their disliking of me and blatantly ignored me.

"Well~" I hummed. "I can sense when I'm not wanted.♠️"

I strided over to the other two spiders, neither pair of eyes glanced in my direction.

I cleared my throat and stood behind them.

"Hisoka." Uvogin acknowledged, then leaned in closer to Shalnark.

"Hmph.♠️" I audibly let out as I strutted back to Illumi's room.

Don't want to talk to them anyway~ Not worth my time.

I opened the door to Illumi's room; he was sat on the bed, braiding his hair.

Another nervous habit of Illumi's is playing with his hair. It was clear he was on full alert. I joined him on the bed.

"I asked to be alone, Hisoka." He stated in his usual tone.

"Oh but Illumi dear~♥️" I hugged his waist and playfully rubbed my face into his shoulder. "May I do your hair~♥️"

He didn't let out his bloodlust like he normally does- he must really be on edge.

Illumi shuffled forward, giving me permission to touch his hair.

I wonder how he keeps it so soft all the time~

"Illumi there's only 2 and a half hours left of the fight... Please hang in there.♣️" I reassured him.

I felt his body relax a tiny bit. Over the course of 20 minutes, I gave him two French braids.

"Would you like to play cards?  To take your mind off things~♥️"

He turned to face me- meaning yes.

As I dealt the cards, Illumi cleared his throat.

"Thank you." He mumbled.

I could feel my body become slightly warmer.

"You're very welcome my dear~♥️"

His face didn't change. His body didn't move; but I could feel him get more comfortable around me.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in~♦️"

"No." A voice asserted. "We land in 15 minutes. Don't be late."

We heard footsteps stomping away as I turned to Illumi. "See~ The flight wasn't that bad~♥️"

Now's not the time for a joke... Illumi is rather sensitive when it comes to his assassin instincts.


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