15. All you gotta do is walk away

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Hisoka POV:

Upon entering our hotel room, Illumi collapsed into bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

I guess showing emotion is tiring to him.

I gently chuckled at my thought.

Before going to bed, I decided to go to Chrollo's room; I knew he'd appreciate me telling him about my new relationship, so I did just that.

When he opened his door, his face immediately brightened up and he dragged me inside. His room was bigger than mine since he shared his with Phinks and Feitan; he had a sofa, three chairs, a bunk bed and a double bed. Phinks was lay on the double bed, resting his eyes, but still awake, whereas Feitan was next to him, flat out.

We sat over a cup of tea on the sofa. Of course, I told him all about Illumi, then we began to talk about the Zoldycks, then about powerful people, then the Phantom Troupe, to the Chain User, to York New and so on and so on.

We were in the middle of talking about our favourite colours when there was a light but firm knock on the door.

Chrollo checked the peep hole while I glanced at the time.

It's 2:45am wow... We were talking for a long time. I'll bet that's Illumi at the door then.

"Sorry to disturb you, would Hisoka happen to be here?" Illumi tiredly mumbled.

I appeared behind Chrollo with a smile, "Hey baby~♥️"

A quick flash of relief washed over Illumi's eyes. He didn't respond but I knew he wanted me back in bed.

"Okay~ Chrollo, I had fun talking to you, ta-ta for now~♥️" I smiled at him and he gave me a cheesy grin back.

Illumi grabbed my hand as we walked the short distance back to our room.

He lay back in bed, still not letting go of my hand, thus forcing me to lay next to him.

Has he talked too much today too? He's so fucking adorable sometimes.

He quickly fell back asleep, followed by me about half hour later.


Morning soon rolled around. We ate our last breakfast in the hotel before we left.

Hm, Illumi has yet to say a word, you'd think he'd talk to his boyfriend the day after they got together.

During breakfast, Chrollo announced he has booked all transport back; a taxi to the closest airport and a 6 hour blimp ride back to our starting point. Illumi winced after hearing that.

Noticing my boyfriend's discomfort, I stuck some Bungee Gum between my arm and his arm. He gave me a quick look of confusion so I leaned to his ear and whispered, "I'll stick by you~♣️"

The right side of his mouth twitched after he understood my pun. I felt his tension levels go down ever so slightly.

Soon, 2 taxis showed up outside the hotel, Chrollo was riding with Feitan and Phinks while Illumi and I got to ride on our own.

We took our seats in the car. I sat in the middle seat with Illumi on my left. We were so close so I struck up a conversation with him.

"You've been quiet since this morning, sweetie, everything all right?♥️"

"I'm always this quiet." He said.

It's true, but it's weird to see him acting normal after seeing him acting emotional.

"So you like to be called "sweetie" now?♥️" I teased.

"No." He firmly replied.

"Awh~♥️" I put my hand on his thigh, making him look at me. "I thought you'd let me call you it because we're boyfriends~♥️"

"What happened to "Illu dear"?" He confidently asked.

"Huh~ You like that name?♥️"

He silently nodded and looked away.

"Illu~Dear~♥️" I whispered in his ear.

"What is it." He asked in his normal tone.

I hummed in disappointment while crossing my arms and mumbled under my breath.

"My boyfriend." He awkwardly added.

He was so tense and embarrassed saying that, that it made me blush a little.

"You said it!♥️" I giggled.

He tried to play it off and nodded, not looking at me. "Don't get used to it." He said cooly.


The car journey only took 15 minutes and Chrollo, of course, had a private blimp so we didn't have to wait in any lines.

Me and Illu once again had a room to ourselves so we went off to find it. Well I did.

Chrollo pulled Illumi aside and was patting his shoulder while whispering to him. Illumi even gave him a small smile before rejoining me.

That smile is for me only Chrollo.

Illumi seemed noticeably more relaxed but when I spoke to him, he remained quiet.

Of course I'm going to be jealous. It's like watching a fight in Heavens Arena- you want to be the one fighting. Illu is my first boyfriend and he's getting buddy buddy with an ally of mine.

I don't like it.


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