20. Boof Boof

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Chrollo POV:

We brought our new dog to our spot in the woods. We were gone for a good hour and a half, but all was worth it.

Illumi and I wouldn't stop playing with the, now energetic, dog by giving it treats and praises. Hisoka was on his phone opposite us.

"Hey Illumi, what should we name him?" I asked.

Illumi thought for a moment and shrugged. "Mike?" He threw out.

"Ah yes! He definitely looks like a Mike!" I laughed.

"Don't you already have a dog named Mike?♥️" Hisoka scoffed, still looking at his phone.

"What! You have a dog?" I excitedly exclaimed.

Illumi nodded his head. "I'm not sure you could call it a dog..." He muttered.

"It's probably huge, knowing the Zoldycks." I joked.

He nodded once again and shyly smiled.

"Hey Hisoka, can you look up dog names on your phon-"

Before I could finish my request, Hisoka cut me of with a simple "No.♠️"

I pulled out Bandit's Secret and flipped to an unknown Emitter's page. Using it, I was able to hit Hisoka's phone out his hand.

He continued to look at his hands where the phone no longer was. At the same time, letting out an irritated aura towards me.

Illumi swiftly moved next to Hisoka. He kissed his hand and quietly whispered something, causing Hisoka's aura to warm up and shrink. Hisoka allowed the dog to walk near him, he even petted the thing.

So this is third-wheeling.

"How about Mochi?♥️" Hisoka calmly spoke up after a short while. He had his one hand on top the dog's head and the other on Illumi's head.

"Like the rice cake?" I chuckled. "I love it! What do you think Illumi?"

Illumi gave a quick nod and pet Mochi.

I smiled but then got serious. "Hm... Where is he gonna stay tonight? Surely he can't just sleep out here."

"My landlord doesn't allow pets, unfortunately.♠️" Hisoka replied.

"Since when do you care about rules?" I laughed.

"I'm a very responsible person.♥️" Hisoka playfully huffed and lent back into a tree. His movement cause Mochi to get excited and jump on him.

Watching Hisoka try to get a 70-pound jumping ball of energy off of him was hilarious; the more Hisoka tried to push him off, the louder my laughs got. Even Illumi was stifling a chuckle.

After a firm push from Hisoka, Mochi scrammed to my lap, causing me to instinctively turn on my baby voice. "Oh Mochi baby~ Is he being mean to you? I cooed as Mochi began to liven up again. "He's a big meanie, I know I know!" Mochi began to lick my face and settle down on my leg.

Hisoka wiped his face and brushed the fur off his clothes.


"Are you sure I can take him?" I asked.

Hisoka nodded and walked through the darkness in the direction of his house with Illumi.

It was roughly a 20 minute walk back to the Troupe hangout.

When I turned the corner, I was greeted by a line of my spiders, most with bright, excited smiles plastered all over them, however some reminded professional.

They all bowed until Nobunaga spoke up. "Kortopi said you had a puppy!" He exclaimed.

"Yep! This is Mochi." I crouched down and made a waving motion with his paw.

Machi and Pakunoda appeared from behind me and made the first move by approaching the dog.

They have watched me, Hisoka and Illumi play with this dog all day, they must be happy to finally pet him.

"Hey little guy!" Machi gently fawned.

Shalnark was right about Machi having a soft spot for puppies.

Pakunoda patted Mochi's head but was distrupted by Nobunaga's sandles clicking against the floor.

"Mochi dude! You're so cute!" He excitedly hugged the dog, pushing the two girls out his way. His energy had wound up the dog, who was previously tired.

I stood up and addressed the members. "Mochi will be staying here for a while. Please take care of him."

"Yes, Boss" They said, slightly out of sync.

"Nobunaga, put the bloody dog down." Machi groaned.

"Sorry, sorry!" He yelped and gently placed Mochi to the floor.

I giggled at the small interaction but my attention was soon caught by someone clearing their throat.

"Boss, let me take your bags." Bonolenov offered.

I smiled and passed him the heavy load of dog toys, food and treats.

I looked over in distance to see that Nobunaga had taken Mochi and now he and Uvogin were fussing over him. Bonolenov began unpacking the contents of the bags and perfectly placed them in a humble, nicely layed-out, doggy-area.

At least Mochi's appearance was well received.


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