12. And I'm ready to fucking party

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Chrollo POV:

"Ah, that was so fun!" I quietly squealed just as we reached the front of our hotel.

Hisoka had calmed down and was now clinging onto Illumi neck.

Those two are always in their own little world when they're together.

Hisoka turned to me and smiled. "I told you it'd be fun!♣️"

As we were parting ways to our different rooms, Illumi was climbing into Hisoka's back, he was complaining about being up there but he seemed happy nonetheless.

Those two are so hard to read... I wonder if they're a couple?

I stumbled into my room and jumped on my bed, still thinking about my friends.

On the topic being a couple... I wonder if they've done it? It'd make sense even if they weren't together; they pride themselves on their "give and take" relationship so it wouldn't be too shocking if they used eachother for sex aswell.

Hm. Now I'm curious if they're virgins, I can't just ask them though, can I?

I giggled to myself. I have some weird friends.


Morning rolled around and me, Illumi and Hisoka were eating our breakfast. It was a typical Japanese breakfast served with tea. However, Illumi and snuck the coffee out his room to drink instead.

I guess it's now or never...

I cleared my throat. "Hey Hisoka, may I ask you a question?"


"Have you ever... Had sex?" I asked sheepishly.

Illumi's face reddened and his eyes became glued to Hisoka, impatiently waiting for the answer.

He giggled. "I usually end up killing them before I can do anything... So no. Plus~ I'm always with Illumi nowadays~♥️" He teased, squeezing his hand on Illumi's thigh.

Illumi didn't remove his hand? How obvious can you be? They've got to be dating!

"Oops!" A waitress faffed. "I'm sorry ma'am!"

What happened?

Illumi rose up and towered over the small woman, hot tea dripping from his clothes and hair.

"Oh... Sir." The waitress corrected.

He face didn't change, making him seem more intimating than he actually is.

Suddenly, he smiled and patted the woman's shoulder. "Be careful next time." He said gently.

He turned to Hisoka, "I'm going to go change." And with that, he disappeared back to his room, as did the waitress to the kitchen.

"Well this worked out well." I commented.

"Hm?♥️" Hisoka hummed in confusion.

"I wanted to ask another question but Illumi was here... So I guess it worked in my favour." I chuckled.

"Are you going to ask if Illumi is my boyfriend?♥️" He smirked.

He never fails to surprise me.

I nodded. "So...?"

Hisoka sighed. "He doesn't want to... We end up arguing when I bring it up.♠️" He scoffed, "I suppose I should respect his wishes. What do you think?♥️"

"Well... You both seem to like each other, hence why I asked."

As he was about to speak, something behind me caught his eye. He forgot to shut his mouth and his face flushed red. I followed his gaze to see Illumi wearing an almost identical outfit to Hisoka.

He quickly looked at me and whispered. "It's a different kind of turn-on when it comes to Illumi."

This couple confuses me... They themselves individually confuse me. I want to see them together though. What did Shizuku call it? A ship?

Yes! A ship!

I must see this through to the end. I'll ask Uvogin and Shalnark tonight to help me help them get together.

Illumi sat down, acting as though nothing had happened. Unaware or not acknowledging what he was doing to Hisoka.

"So we've seen Gon, are we just going to go back now?" I asked.

"Illumi and I were talking about this last night actually; there's a theme park rather close to here. My dearest hasn't ever been to a theme park~ Have you dear?♥️" He nudged Illumi to encourage him to respond.

"Ah that's great! We can go today!" I beamed.


Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now