29. We have a chip reader now

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Chrollo POV:

Me and Nobunaga lay the separate beds in our room. There was a little small talk but it was hard to hear eachother over Hisoka and Illumi in the next room.

"Do they always bicker this much, this loudly?" Nobunaga asked.

"Yeah, you wouldn't expect it from the way they act, in all fairness." I replied. "And the fact they're showering together right now." I jokingly added.

"Yeah," He chuckled. "These walls are paper thin, I wonder if they know we can hear them."

"Best not say anything."

With a synchronised nod, we both agreed to keep quiet.

I tried to relax when I felt a new, strong aura pass the caravan.

What's Phinks doing here? They must have thought of a plan for the mansion.

I stood up and quietly left our temporary home, Nobunaga stayed behind to ensure Mike or Mochi didn't bark or whine too much.

Knowing Illumi and Hisoka, they'll be too distracted by eachother to notice my absence. I'd say I have about an hour to go over my Spiders' plan.

Phinks led me to a car he rented, Shizuku was waiting patiently in the backseat. I joined her and Phinks began to drive.

"It's a 15 minute drive. I hope that's ok." He stated.

"Mhm~" I hummed.


On my way to the half-Troupe's hangout, I caught a glimpse of the big market they all seemed excited about.

I kinda wish I went there now.

As per usual, once I entered the room, the remaining 3 members stood up and bowed.

After our greetings, we gathered around a makeshift table which was covered by blueprints and rough copies of itineraries.

"Well. Talk me through it." I politely ordered.

Machi was first to take the lead, "Well. We know the dog trainer's wife, Eliza, is helping with the training sessions. As you said, Eliza is a personal attendant of Neon Nostrade's."

It was then Pakunoda's time to speak up. "Using my Nen ability, Psychometry, it is likely I'll be able to pin point where exactly Neon's collections are. I'll then give this information to the rest of our group, who'll sneak into those places."

I nodded. "How are you joining the training session? Would you be accompanying me?"

"Yes. I will replace Nobunaga and while I gather information, these guys will explain our course of action to him."

I thought for a moment. "So will you just make the rest of the plan up as you go?"

"No," Phinks replied, "That's what these blueprints are for. We've devised arrangements for each scenario where Neon's room would be located. Here." He passed me the itineraries and a copy of the blueprint.

Reading them, I nodded my head in approval, however picking at subtle details and improving them at the same time.

"This all seems to make sense but you haven't considered if her belongings are to be scattered around. What will you do in that situation?"

There was a short pause, cut of by Machi clearing her throat. "Unless there is something highly valuable in a different area, we will stick to the, less risky, right wing and bottom floor."

The others quietly muttered and agreed.

"Right. Well I must say, all of your planning skills have improved. There's a nice balance between strategy and risk and I didn't have to point out many things. Well done all of you." I cheered, lightly clapping my hands.

"Thank you Boss." They all said in unison.

I checked my watch. I'd been gone for 30 minutes, meaning I'd give myself 10 more minutes with the spiders.

"Changing the subject, have any of you found something notable  from the market?" I scanned the room for a conversation subject. "What's that over there?"

I pointed to a mannequin with a singular, out of proportion leg and a small head.

The Troupe giggled. "It's for Feitan." Phinks laughed. "It'll freak him out big time."

I joined their laughter, although not quite understanding their joke.

The laughs died down so Franklin went to grab something and give it to Shizuku.

"I found this too." She monotonely stated. "It's a wooden statue as you can see. However, there's a chance of expensive, priceless items inside. I would like to resell it so therefore I cannot break it. Only Nobunaga and Bonolenov have the ability to open and close it."

"Wow that's interesting, let's hope there's goods in there, huh? I hope you manage to resell it after as well." I smiled. "Anyone else?"

Everyone looked around and shook their heads.

"Well that's fine! At least we got one thing!" I looked at my watch once again, and right on time, I had to leave.

I said goodbye to Machi, Pakunoda and Franklin as Phinks, Shizuku and I got back into the car.


I gently opened the caravan door to hear the shower still running and a muffled laugh from Nobunaga.

"Are they really still showering?" I half-nervously chuckled to Nobunaga.

"Yeah!" He burst, talking through laughs; "They got out a while ago- but then- Illumi got super pissed at something- and threw him out the bloody window!"

Out the window!

I looked over to the wide open window and noticed a small crack in the wall, clearly from where Hisoka struggled to stay indoors.

The thought made me chuckle, all while Nobunaga's hysterical laughter was contiguous.

"Aw man," He said, wiping a tear from his eye. "You should have seen it."


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