33. Turns out you're just fam

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Chrollo POV:

Man it's finally here, the last day of the dog training. I've been getting kinda bored lately so I'm happy something entertaining is finally happening.

As planned, Pakunoda joined me and Mike for our last day; all while Nobunaga met with Machi to discuss the plan.

"Oh!" I heard Eliza gasp as she walked over to us.

Now's our chance.

"Nobunaga-San couldn't make it today? Such a shame! So who's this, Chrollo-san?" She said, signalling to Pakunoda.

"My name's Pakunoda." She stated confidently, sneakily holding her hand out.

Eliza took the bait and shook her hand, allowing Pakunoda to get the info she needed. "Oh ok! I'm Eliza, I help run the training, if you couldn't already tell!" She politely giggled.

Pakunoda gave me an assuring look and cleared her throat. "Well if you'll excuse me, I must go to the ladies' room."

She casually dipped her head and walked away to continue our plan onto the next stage.

"So this is your last day?" Eliza asked, sparking a conversation between us...


Soon enough, Pakunoda returned. She didn't let me in on any details as a safety precaution; so all we had to do was wait and observe.

Hisoka and Illumi seem unaware. Did they really not suspect my plan? I was trying to keep it a secret from them but honestly I was expecting them to say something.

As I was looking at them, Hisoka snuck up behind Illumi and kicked the back of his knee, causing him to slightly loose balance while Hisoka giggled.

Well they seem to be having fun so I guess it doesn't really matter.

I'm so glad I don't have to put up with Hisoka like Illumi does.


The rest of the class continued as normal; Mike mastered the daily trick quickly as always and Pakunoda was impressed. She called Mike "The 13th Spider".

However, as the clock kept ticking, I grew increasingly more impatient. There was no movement inside or outside the mansion; the guards were still in their usual spot, no gunshots, no alarms, nothing.

I know for a fact they didn't get caught but I'll be disappointed if they've already robbed the place that easily.

As if my mind was read; the atmosphere around the guards simultaneously darkened as they subtlety left their posts, going unnoticed by Eliza, Squala and the other dog owners.

There it is.

Soon, the garden gates were getting closed, a housekeeper came and presumably told Squala what was happening.

Pakunoda and I exchanged all-knowing looks and went on with training Mike, acting clueless.

In the distance I saw the bus that took us here, pull up. I didn't see the driver but if everything went to plan, the driver would have been Shizuku.

Squala was now next to Eliza, both were in a sticky situation. The class was scheduled to end in roughly 3 minutes but it's unlikely the guards would risk opening the gate for a bunch of non-user commoners and their dogs.

Suddenly, a loud bell began to sound; for being outside, it was deathingly loud.

Since the people around us had erupted in a not-so-low-key panic, I was able to comment on the situation to Pakunoda.

"Tenner says that was Nobunaga." I joked.

She smirked. "I'll take you up on that."

In the plan distinguished a few days ago, Franklin was going to fire his guns on the opposite end of the commotion in order to create an opening for the others to escape; and then, due to his speed, outrun the guards and join Phinks.

The lack of gunshots is making me slightly nervous. This all needs to be perfectly timed and it appears either Shizuku has come early or Franklin is late.

"Look." Pakunoda whispered, nodding her head in the direction of the main entrance.

There, through the hedges, I saw Machi boldly sprinting down the driveway we walked down everyday. Valuable items were floating behind her, wrapped up in her Nen thread.

Machi went under the radar for everyone, including the guards.

"Ok everyone." Squala finally called, succeeding in getting everyone's attention. "This is just a drill, management didn't realise we were still here." He said with a confidence that almost had me convinced. "We're all safe but that alarm will take a while to turn off."

That last statement is true. My spiders don't kill without reason.

Despite the thundering alarm, the atmosphere in the garden was somewhat normal. I felt a little bad for Squala, having to choose between protecting your wife or your boss' house probably wasn't easy.

A few seconds later, Franklin's part of the plan took action, thus ensuing yet another wave of panic from the class.

Phinks quickly followed in Machi's path, but instead of valuables floating behind him, however, he had 2 guards chasing him.

Phinks had unluckily got the attention of the whole class, and thus the attention of Squala.

He and Eliza had two big dogs that demonstrated the tricks everyday; these dogs unsurprisingly doubled as guard dogs and at Squala's demand, began chasing after Phinks.

As if a dog's gonna do anything- I'm a little upset at how much my Troupe have been underestimated.

At the end of the day it works in our favour- the guards have let Machi, Shizuku and Phinks escape.


Where's Nobunaga?


A/N Completely forgot I didn't upload yesterday lmao😐✌️

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