30. Give the man a bloody medal

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Hisoka POV:

"Hisoka stop slurping on your drink goddamnit." Illumi demanded.

Naturally, I slurped even louder, drawing the attention from other customers in the coffee shop.

"You promised to take me on a date after a week of being here. It's been 8 days so you're a day late. And it's because you're a day late that I can slurp on my drink.♥️" I chopsed.

"That doesn't make any sense." He complained.

I imitated Gon and stuck my tongue out.

Illumi rolled his eyes and grumbled something. I couldn't tell whether he said "You're so immature" or "Why do I bother?" but I suppose both answers were valid.

"Love you~♥️" I teased.

Instead of responding, he stole a biscuit off my plate and dunked it in his coffee; shamelessly taking a bite.

So cute~

Illumi has a reputation of being "emotionless and cold" but to me, he's so easy to read. It's very easy to tell what he's thinking when you know him as well as I do~

Like just now. He had no reaction to my love confession- yet he told me he loved me back, just silently.

Usually he would have said "piss off" or "get lost" but instead he ignored me, meaning he wants to say it back be he's feeling shy at the moment.

I admired Illumi until the biscuit disappeared. "Did you just eat my whole biscuit?" I flatly asked, I found it hard to hide that I was screaming on the inside.

"No." He lied.

"I just watched you dearest~♥️"

He stared at me with those hypnotizing, poker eyes of his, as if he were casting a spell on me. "No you didn't." He stated.

I narrowed my eyes on him, slowly my subtle smirk turned into a big grin and I rubbed the back of my neck. "What didn't I do?♦️" I dazedly asked.

We giggled at our own antics, a light pink glazing both our cheeks.

We settled down a little, taking the final sip of our drinks and Illumi taking the final bite of my food.

"Oh, yeah," Illumi began. "I've wanted to bring this up all week but Chrollo was around so I couldn't."

"Yes?♦️" I calmly asked, standing up and gesturing for us to leave.

He graciously took my hand and continued. "Don't you think it's a little weird that half the Phantom Troupe joined us on the bus?"

"I was hoping to talk about that actually. I have a few ideas as to why, but it is strange.♣️"

"My immediate thought was that they're doing 'business' but I wanted to see what you thought."

"You and I think alike my love~♥️"


On our stroll back to the caravan, we played our favourite game, the one we played at my apartment, and a little bit of I-Spy.

It was now Illumi's turn to spy: "I spy with my little eye, something begining with Z."

"Z? What begins with Z?♣️"

At first I was confused but I understood when I heard a very  angry man shouting in a pawn shop.

I took a closer look and there was our "Z". Zepile. Me and Illumi giggled at the man's lack of composure inside the store.

What an idiot.

I felt Illumi's hand slip from mine as he rushed over to Zepile's dog, Gon, giving him a dog treat.

"Who are you, Illumi? Why do you carry around dog treats now?" I laughed.

"I like dogs." He stated; plain and simple.

You'd think he'd be a cat person.

"Let's go before he sees us.♥️" I suggested.

Illumi patted Gon's head and nodded. We quickly scurried away before that bundle of mess could see us.

We'll see him tomorrow anyway...


"Hi Mochi!" Illumi squealed as we opened the door. "Daddy missed you~ Yes he did~ Did you miss me too? Aw you did~" He cooed.

Despite his long hair, feminine features, and the fact he is currently wearing a kimono while cuddling a dog, Illumi views himself as very masculine. To put it into gender stereotypes; he believes he's "the man of the relationship"

I took a look around the room, Chrollo was asleep on the sofa and resting his head on Nobunaga's lap, all while Nobunaga sat upright as if he were guarding Chrollo.

Illumi snuck Mochi to our bedroom, despite our agreement to keep the dogs out of the room.

For once I decided to spark the conversation between me and Nobunaga. "He looks a little tired." I awkwardly joked.

"It's your boyfriend." He complained with a hint of worry in his voice. "Boss pricked his finger on that pin on the table and now he's knocked out."

I picked the pin up and observed it.

Is this is the anesthesia he used on me?

"Babe~♥️" I called, getting ignored. "Sweetie~♥️"

Soon enough, Illumi appeared in the doorway.

"Honey, what's laced in this pin?♥️" I smiled.

"The anesthesia." He quickly replied and returned to Mochi.

"Well there we go.♥️" I chuckled, turning my attention back to the spider. "Illumi got me with that before, it lasted a while but I'm sure he's fine."

Nobunaga let out a scary aura. Not quite as powerful as mine or Illumi's but combined with the fake smile on his face- he managed to make me shiver a little. "Let's hope he is." He said.

I politely smiled back and excused myself to my bedroom.

Note to self; the spiders care for Chrollo.


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