14. Woah there pal

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Illumi POV:

I think this is the first time I've ever blushed at something silly Hisoka has said. I was kind of expecting it, but hearing it aloud just... I don't know how to describe it... A weird feeling in my stomach; it felt like I was going to explode.

Hisoka stared at me with pleading eyes, not with a fringe of nonchalance or flamboyancy gleamed in them.

I continued to stare back- I couldn't catch my thoughts. Did I even want a relationship?

"H-hisoka." I stuttered, I'd dropped my emotionless act so I could focus on weighing out my options. "Why did you bother asking." I said, almost angrily. I pulled my hands away from his and crossed my arms, staring at the floor. "I've said no every other time you've asked. Why is this time any different."

The thing is- it was different.

I metaphorically hit my mouth; why am I saying this? This isn't what I want to say... I want to be with him... But I can't seem to say yes...

"Illumi. I know you know this time is different. I'm being serious.♠️" Hisoka raised his voice at me, only deepening my blushing.

I internally debated whether or not I should say "assassins don't date." One on hand, Hisoka might continuously counter my argument and keep arguing until I say yes. But on the other hand, Hisoka might give up immediately and get truly angry.

If the second scenario happened, we'd both be fucked. We both like eachother, we're both useful to eachother, we somewhat understand eachother...

"Why must be put a label on it." I accidentally mumbled.

My statement only caused Hisoka to get angrier, he let out a nasty aura; it wasn't bloodlust but it was close enough for me to know I was in possible danger.

"Illumi.♠️" He spat and took a deep, shaky sigh. "You know it not just about labels.♠️"

I know Hisoka. I just need a minute... I'm sorry.

"I-" My voice broke.

Tears? It's been a while since I last cried... Over something as mundane as this? I've gone soft.

Hisoka's aura began to die down. It appears my vulnerable side aided him in calming down.

"Illu...♥️" He gently spoke, hesitating to touch my shoulder.

"Hisoka I feel weird." I admitted. I couldn't sort this out on my own so I decided to just communicate my thoughts.

Hisoka remained quiet, telling me to keep going.

This is so embarrassing...

"I don't know... I don't know what these feelings are Hisoka- I don't want to kill you... Yeah... That's the only way to describe it..." Nearer towards the end of my tiny speech, my words began to trail off. However, Hisoka still took it all in.

I looked back up to Hisoka, pathetic tears blurred my vision while my hands shakily moved towards him, eventually falling around his waist.

It was an awkward position to sit in; my torso was twisted to the side while my legs kept my balance. I had my head burried in Hisoka's lap while he petted my hair.

I just couldn't stop crying... When I thought I was done, another crippling thought crossed my mind and got me going again.

I wish I were able to sleep right now...

"Yes..." I mumbled into Hisoka's thigh. There was no why he could have heard it...

"Yes?♦️" Hisoka slightly jumped.

I took a final deep breath and lifted myself up. I could tell my face was a red mess, my chin trembled as I stared into his golden eyes.

"I'll be your boyfriend..." I choked.

His face lit up, he pulled me into a suffocating hug while he tried to form his words.

"You didn't have to get so emotional about it!♥️" He laughed.

I playfully punched his chest in retaliation. "Says you, Mr Mad."

We giggled together as the high tensions disappeared.

I never knew I could reach this level of happiness... I think I like it...

As our giggles died down, we kept our eyes locked together.

His big hand wiped away the remainder of my tears as he moved in closer...

The kiss was... Something else... Emotions had been thrown around everywhere in our carriage during the last 5 minutes, it was nice to just seal it and and end it with a kiss.

I could tell Hisoka was forcing himself to tone it down a little. We knew Chrollo was down below... And Chrollo gets impatient quickly.

He shot a small thread of Bungee Gum into the air and shortly after, the Ferris wheel began to lower us back down.

Chrollo was waiting at the bottom. He had his one hand on his hip and his weight was shifted to one side. One we stepped off the ride he squealed like a girl. His squeals had gotten the attention of Feitan and Phinks, who were holding the man who ran the wheel.

"I saw the carriage rocking~" He teased. "I assume it went well! I need details!"

"He's mine~♣️" Hisoka vaguely replied, using my waist to pull me closer while he planted a kiss on my head.

"See! I told you it'd work! Phinks, Feitan, you can let go of that man now, our job is done~" Chrollo gave us both a congratulating smile and calmly skipped away.

"Are you boys ok?" The man hurriedly asked. "I'm sorry this happened... I can pay you back... I don't have much-"

"Don't worry, Sir~ I have everything I need stood right here next to me!♥️"

The man let out a confused but scared chuckle. "O-okay, well you boys have a good night." He fumbled as he paced to the ride controls.

We'd missed our opportunity to watch the rest of the sunset, instead, we just decided to take a gentle stroll back to our hotel.


"Thank you, Hisoka."

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