4. Next city over

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Chrollo POV:

We landed in a big city with a busy airport. All 7 of us walked to a small bus stop just outside the building so I could see my spiders off.

"Ok you two- Don't cause too much trouble!" I joked.

"We won't, bye Boss." Phinks replied.

"Take care!" I gleamed, waving him and Feitan off.

"Now. I want you two to alert me if you see any dangerous activity in the area." I happily ordered.

"Yes, Boss." Shalnark and Uvogin replied in sync.

I giggled and walked over to Hisoka and Illumi, who were standing together to the side.

"How was the flight for you guys? Everything alright?" I asked.

Hisoka slightly nudged Illumi in a teasing manner.

"Mhm~♥️" Hisoka finally replied while Illumi nodded.

Such a peculiar pairing; I must say. I still don't understand how they get along so well.

"Well that's great! Let's get going, we've got a long journey ahead of us!" I said cheerfully.

My charm never seems to have an effect on them... Such a shame.

Hisoka and I played I-Spy while we took a hiking trail through some grassy fields and hills.

"I-Spy with my little eye~ Something beginning with...

"Hm... Ivy!" I answered.


Illumi hit the back of Hisoka's head.

What are they hiding? Don't think I haven't noticed you guys flirting all day.

"Ah! It's Illumi!" I chuckled.

Hisoka hummed and tried to put his arm around Illumi's waist. Unsurprisingly, he got a nice kick to the nuts from Illumi.

I stifled a laugh as Hisoka tried play it off and continue walking.

"So you guys are closer than I thought." I said, trying to make small talk.

"Of course~ We've known each other for years~♥️ Besides... We're no closer than you and I.♥️" Hisoka responded.

Well yes- I can see that. There's just more... sexual tension between you two. I replied in my head.

"Sometimes I feel like a third-wheel with you guys." I chuckled.

Hisoka boisterously threw his arm around me, almost knocking me over.

"Don't worry about it~♦️" He smirked.

He patted my shoulder and we continued our walk in a comfortable silence.


"I'm telling you thats him!" A woman's voice squealed.

"Bisky-chama quiet down..." Another, deeper, voice reprimanded.

Bisky giggled. "But look, he's soooo cuteeee, Palm!"

I could feel powerful Nen equating from the two ladies.

They're clearly weaker than us but- It'd be in our best interest to stay on their good side. I wonder if Hisoka or Illumi know them.

I turned around, flicking the switch on my charm.

"Hello ladies!" I grinned.

"He's hot toooo!" Bisky cried, clutching onto Palm's arm.

Hisoka spun round too and immediately recognised the women.

"Ah~ Hello~♥️" He forced. "Chrollo, this is Gon's Nen teacher~ Hm... I don't quite remember your name however.♠️"

"I-it's Biscuit, but I go by Bisky!" She stated, blushing. "I remember you though, Hisoka!"

Bisky grabbed Hisoka's hands and pulled him closer to her and Palm.

While they were catching up, I glanced over to Illumi. His hair was slightly afloat and two crows flew above us; he seeped out a subtle but powerful bloodlust.

Ah I knew you two had a thing... I guess that confirms you guys WERE, indeed, holding hands on the blimp.

Should I intervene? Me and Illumi aren't very close and I'd hate to get on his bad side... But at the same time- I'd hate to see the jealous and angry side of a Zoldyck.

In the end, I ignored Illumi and joined in on the conversation between Hisoka and Bisky.

"So... Bisky, what are you doing around here?" I asked.

"Oh! I'm on my way to visit my friends: Gon and Killua! You remember them, right Hisoka?" As she addressed Hisoka, she grabbed his forearm.

He didn't remove his hand but politely hummed. "Mhm~♥️"

"What are you guys doing out here? Hot guys like you should be on TV!" She joked.

"Oh~ We just have... Erands to run.♦️" Hisoka replied. Something about the way he spoke told me he didn't want to be there.

"While we're here," I added. "Let's finish this hiking trail together!"

Hisoka shot me a fake smile and Illumi's eyes were glued onto me, ready to kill at my next movement.

"That sounds great... Chrollo-san?"

"Just Chrollo is fine." I smiled.

She returned my smile while she  grabbed both mine and Hisoka's hands and wedged herself between us.

"Let's go!" She shouted like a child.


Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now