19. This is why mum doesn't love you

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Hisoka POV:

"No.♠️" I barked.

"But dogs are too adorable, it would spice things up, don't ya think?" Chrollo argued.

"We don't want a dog.♠️" I said, signalling to myself and Illumi.

Chrollo smirked. "Are you sure it's not just you who doesn't want a dog?"

I shifted my gaze to Illumi; his eyes said it all...

He also wanted a dog.

He can't be serious.

"Illu? You really want a dog?♥️" I asked softly.

He stared at me for a few seconds; deciding on his final answer, which was a slow but excited nod.

"See~" Chrollo teased. "It's 2 against 1, Hisoka."

"Fine~♠️" I grumbled. "But we're not getting some tiny yappy puppy, alright.♠️"

Chrollo jumped up and clapped his hands, letting out a small squeal. "Let's go right now!" He said, holding his hand out for Illumi.

Illumi gently took his hand and stood up, not letting eachother's hands go.

"Vamos chicos~" He sang cheerfully as he began to skip away, dragging Illumi with him.

"Chrollo, you bastard!♦️" I jokingly yelled from behind. I shoot a soft bullet of Bungee Gum to the back of his head. "He's mine.♦️" I said half-seriously as I pushed inbetween the two of them.

My hand replaced Chrollo's and we began to walk to the city.

On the way, Chrollo and Illumi, were trying to figure out what kind of dog they wanted. And where abouts should they adopt it.

Chrollo knows a scarily large amount of pet breeders in the city.


"Ok Hisoka. I know you wanted a pure bred. But... We can still look around the animal shelter." Chrollo chuckled.

I grunted as he and Illumi made their way inside.

Ugh, it smells of piss in here. Why are all the dogs barking? I've been here less than 10 seconds and I already have a headache.

Inside, we were greeted by a desk covered in animal-protection pamphlets and posters.

Upon entering, Chrollo slipped a decent amount of money into a donation box and greeted the woman working the desk.

After hearing what we wanted, she called her co-worker, a mid-teenage boy with black hair and makeup and an unwelcoming scowl in his face.

Spoilt brat.

He unwillingly guided us to the loud section of the sheltered dogs. He left us there faster than we arrived.

"Look at them, Illumi!" Chrollo exclaimed.

Illumi's stance straightened up as he had an obvious rush of child-like excitement.

I suppose Illumi never really had this when he was younger.

As I looked around, there seemed to be about 15 reasonably sized cages, 3-4 dogs in each.

Chrollo examined the dogs on the right side of the isle while Illumi was on the left. I, however, just followed behind Illumi, playing with a flower that had fallen from his hair.

He stopped for a while, and pulled on the bottom of my shirt.

Immediately, I gave him my attention.

"I like this one." He stated, pointing to a dog at the back of the cage.

The dog was one of many few that were quite. It was a large dog; slightly scruffy with overgrown, auburn-tinted, ginger fur. It solemnly lay in the corner of the cage, alone.

"Don't you want something more... Lively?♥️" I hinted.

"But you wanted a quiet dog." He responded.

My boyfriend is too cute~

Before I could reply, Chrollo popped up behind us. "Hey-yo! Have you found one yet?"

I gave a 'are-you-sure' look to Illumi who nodded his head to Chrollo and pointed at the dog.

"The ginger one? Wow! Mysterious! I like it!" Chrollo speculated. "Should we get it?"

"What happened to just looking?♠️" I snapped.

"Hisoka look at your boyfriend! Look!" Chrollo complained.

Illumi was looking down at the ground in embarrassment at Chrollo's loud statement. The others in the shop were offering us judgemental glances.

"Illumi dear~ You really want to get the first one you see?♥️"

"I want it." He spoke up.

Oh, he must really want the dog to tell me directly.

"Ok dear.♥️" I mumbled, defeated.

In an instant, Chrollo and Illumi had gone off to the front desk to fill out paperwork. An old female worker wobbled over and opened the cage, attaching a lead to the dog and handing it to me.

"He doesn't have a name yet, please take good care of him." She humbly smiled and walked back the way she came.

I met with Illumi and Chrollo who were patiently waiting outside the shop, both of them had bags of dog necessities.

"Baby!" Chrollo yelled and ran to us, dropping his bags in the process. "Hey little guy! Who's a good boy!" He cooed as he gave the dog a vigorous pat.

Illumi glided towards us, he didn't touch the dog and just observed. It seemed his didn't want to let the dog. I took his shopping bags and gave him the lead and a smile.


A/N Please don't just randomly buy dogs like this lmao
if anyone wants to name the dog, go for it I'm shit at names lmao

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