00. Story End

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Thank you for reading :p💕

I'm genuinely really upset this has ended lol, I could continue it if I wanted to but not right now lmao. There were times it kinda dragged but I didn't realise how much I liked it until I was writing the last chapter lol


Well. 🎶let's get down to business 🎶 I'll be starting a new fic either tomorrow or the day after so if you like the idea down below then stick around lmao

Btw this ramble is 488 words long (sorry I just wrote everything that has been building up in my mind these past few days)


So someone asked if I could do Hisoka X Chrollo, I gave it some thought and I kinda like the idea I came up with:

It's inspired by the Phantom Troupe movie (that I haven't even watched lmao.)

So it starts off in Meteor City which is where Chrollo first forms the spiders along with; ▪️Feitan

(it's rumoured that Phinks and Shalnark were also there but I'm not sure if that's too many characters)

Anyways, so in my head, Hisoka is also one of the founding members of the Phantom Troupe, meaning he is familiar and somewhat close with the other members.

So you know how in animes characters can usually be sectioned off into pairs (eg; Gon/Killua, Kurapika/Leorio), well I was thinking the 'pairings' of this fic would be:

▫️Hisoka and Chrollo
▫️Machi and Pakunoda
▫️Nobunaga and Uvogin

(which leaves Feitan and Franklin but they didn't really have any interactions so I might have to change it a little.)

So the story starts before the creation of the Phantom Troupe and we learn about the lives of individual characters.

This story has potential to be super long but after writing Hisoka X Illumi, I've realised that I was kinda over it by chapter ~30.

So, with this in mind, maybe I could stop the story a little after the Troupe has been formed (I'm unable to give an estimate of how long that would be though)

I want to try go into a little more character detail in this story and try focus on how they have changed and stuff. And therefore, I'm assuming the time arc before the Troupe has been formed will be reasonably sized :p

However I'm not sure if I could incorporate a Hisoka X Chrollo romance into this; it would probably be closer to bromance (like queer bait lol)

The (possible) lack of romance would be due to the story itself being more interesting.

(for a common example, Ouran High School Host Club is kinda about Tamaki X Haruhi, but people watch ohshc for the host club)

(another example is Noragami; Yato x Hiyori, it's more of like a very close bond between them but I'd say the plot of Noragami was just more interesting)

Sorry if you haven't watched Noragami but I'd like to compare Yato, Yukine and Hiyori to the Phantom Troupe, they're both close and their closeness adds to the story plot. (please tell me this makes sense lol)

I like that kinda stuff for a story tbh

(also Hisoka won't be as fucking clingy this time lmao why did I do that)


Anyways if youre interested in this idea, then I hope you read it and enjoy it, if you're not interested in it then that's fine too 🙃

Also if you have any criticisms at all, pleaseee tell me- I'm always aiming to improve my work (hence why i want to try a new genre)

Again, thanks for reading- bye bye👋

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