27. Move I'm gay

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Illumi POV:

I woke up in the caravan bedroom to the usual tight spooning of Hisoka.

Many powerful Nen users train their bodies to not move while they're asleep. As an assassin, fighter or survivor; it's a useful skill to have.

However, since Hisoka has this ability, I constantly have to wake up to his heavy, smothering body entangled in mine.

Even clingy in his sleep.

As I waited for Hisoka to wake up, I spent my time thinking about Mike and Mochi.

I wonder if Hisoka would let me be with Mochi today. He seemed a little upset about me leaving them for Mike but it appears he's over it.

Mike is a cute puppy though. She's not a very fast learner but that just adds to her personality.

I wonder how Mochi got along... He made friends with that white dog and Zepile's dog so that's good at least.

Hisoka groggily groaned and shuffled to kiss my cheek.

"Morning Hot Stuff~♥️" He mumbled.

I carefully flipped over and returned his kiss.

"Morning baby." I  whispered.

Hisoka being Hisoka, loved my notation.

He was excited but his body was tired yet he found it necessary to clamber on top of me. His legs got tangled up in the sheets and he could barely hold the plank needed to look me in the eyes.

Eventually he gave up and flopped onto me with a grunt.

"That was very smooth and flirtatious." I flatly commented, in a more monotone voice than usual.

"Using your aura all night is very tiring y'know.♥️" He huffed.

"You don't have to-"

"Yes I do!♣️" He quietly complained. "I have to protect you while you sleep. You said it yourself- you like my Bungee Gum surrounding you.♥️"

I still stand by that statement but I don't want him to do it all night.

"Your arms are enough for when we are asleep." I said, knowing he would still shroud me in aura the next night.

There were a few moments of stubborn silence from Hisoka. Every now and then, he'd further nestle his face in my neck.

I nudged him. "Let's go see the dogs."

"Okay~♥️" He said, snaking his arms around my neck and straddling my body while lying down.

A clear sign he wants to be picked up.

I complied with his silent request and gingerly hoisted us out of bed.

It's not often that I do the carrying. He's a little awkward to hold due to his size but all's well.

I left our bedroom, forgetting something embarrassing.

Chrollo and Nobunaga were sharing a caravan with us.

We had a two bedroom caravan; for context, it was one big living room with two smaller separate rooms to the side.

Hisoka and I had one room, Chrollo and Nobunaga shared the other, while Mochi and Mike had free reign over the rest of the caravan.

I exited our bedroom to be quickly hit with judgemental stares from my temporary roommates.

"Hisoka get off." I panic whispered.

"Make me~♦️" He teased.

I attempted to place Hisoka down but he remained glued to me.

"Wow never pinned you as the bratty type, Hisoka!" Chrollo awkwardly joked, earning a laugh from his fellow spider. "Now that I see it, it makes sense." He added.

It's not often I get embarrassed but moments like these- I just want to disappear.

I placed Hisoka on the table where he finally let go.

"I'm only a brat for Illumi-kun~♥️" He teased.

My new nickname earned him a swift pin in his arm.

Chrollo and Nobunaga cheered at my hit on Hisoka while I grabbed Mochi and sat on the floor with him.

"Hey Illumi, are you gonna join me and Mike for training again today?" Chrollo asked me.

My reply was decided by someone else.

"Sorry, Chrollo, he's joining me today.♥️" Hisoka stated. As he spoke, I felt a string on Bungee Gum attach to my arm; mimicking the position my pin  had hit him.


After the incident this morning, not much happened until we got to the mansion.

Training was the same as yesterday; doing the basic "sit" "stay" and "come here".

Mochi already knew these commands so me and Hisoka mostly just gossiped about the other dog owners around us. Especially Zepile, who we had the pleasure  of talking to once again.

I got to meet the owner of the white dog; a boisterous, rowdy man named Knuckle. He appeared to be at the training course with someone who was his polar opposite.

It must be embarrassing to walk around with that guy all day. He looks ridiculous next to the cutesy puppy he carries around.


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