2. I Don't Understand.

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Illumi POV:

I always love paying my brothers a visit. Killua always underestimates my ability to find him no matter what.

However, this journey is going to tedious; I wish Hisoka would stop talking about Gon for just a minute. Gon is dangerous. I don't understand why Hisoka is so infatuated with him. Especially when my Killua is right beside him. My Killua is stronger than that Gon.

"Isn't that right Illumi~♥️" Hisoka asked.

He's asking me about Gon's abilities... I don't care.

I nodded my head, causing Hisoka to smirk and continue talking to Chrollo.

"Hm..." Chrollo interrupted Hisoka. "It's getting dark, let's stay at that hotel." He pointed to a conveniently placed Inn right in front of us.

"Okay~ Me and Illumi will share a room~♥️" He glanced at me. "Ok?♥️"

None of us are tired... I don't understand why we must rest. We have a job to do.

Hisoka led me to a room. It was plain. Beige walls, blue curtains and two matching beds side by side.

We both sat down on our different beds.

"Why must we rest?" I asked.

"Aha~ You know how Chrollo is~ He doesn't want his 'precious Spiders' in avoidable danger~♠️"

They recklessly kill whole Mafia gangs but they are scared of the dark.

I gently nodded and lay on the bed, arms to my side and my legs straight. I stare up to the ceiling.

What will Killua do when he sees me. We need to come up with a plan. Hisoka will likely want to fight Gon and so Chrollo and I must keep Killua busy. Maybe we should take Alluka and-

My thoughts were cut off by Hisoka sitting on my bed. I stare at him. Waiting for him to do something.

"Hey Illumi~ Would you like to spar?♦️" He offered.

I sat up, not taking my eyes off him. "Where?" I asked, hiding my inner-excitement.

He drew back the curtains. "How about those mountains? I'll race you there~♦️"

As he had his back turned, I'd already slinked out of the room and headed to the direction of the mountains.

It's night time so there aren't as many people roaming about as preferred. Those indoors are lucky; they won't become members of my needle people.

Knowing Hisoka he is likely already at the mountains. He always complains when I take my time.

As I reached the base of the mountain, a card flew at me. Naturally, I moved my head and dodged.

"Illumi dear~ It was a race but you took your time again~♠️" He fake-whimpered.

He continued to complain to me about my poor manners. Eventually, he shook his hand at me; immediately I jumped out the way and he stopped speaking.

"Ohh~ Illumi you know my tricks all too well~♦️"

He tried to attach his Bungee Gum to me.

After his speech, my needle people had arrived. They were useless against Hisoka's Bungee Gum but was satisfying to watch 20-odd people be bundled up and squished to death. I think Hisoka felt the same way.

While he was dealing with my mindless minions, I slicked away.

Hisoka is great in both long distance and close up combat. The only way to beat him is to out-smart him, which often proves difficult. Today, I managed to conserve a good portion of my needle people. I'm sure he doesn't know they are here...

Huh? Where'd he go?

I felt my body shut tight. When I used Gyo, I saw the pink substance wrapped around me.

"I caught you~♥️" He playfully teased.

"You've gotten faster."

"Mhm~ But... That was such a short fight~ I'm disappointed~♠️"

"How about a fight with no Nen." I suggested.

Its obvious that'd I'd loose in a one-on-one fight like this with Hisoka but...

"Aw~ Illumi you know exactly what I like~♥️" He retracted his Bungee Gum and began stretching for our fight.

I stood up and calmly brushed myself down. He got into a fighting stance in which I copied.

"Ok. First to... 10 points~♦️"

I nodded and waited.

Hisoka isn't one to attack first. He is usually coming up with a plan by now but now he doesn't have his Nen- I wonder what he will do.

For now I'll stick to my waiting strategy.

"Come on Illumi~ Attack me~♦️"

I stayed still. We were both equally as patient so the wait would likely be long.

Hisoka is excited about capturing me earlier on. He will most likely crave more and become restless. Therefore, he will attack in about 2 minutes.

Those two minutes had passed; Hisoka, as expected, grew impatient and attacked first.

Immediately, I vanished and had managed to knee his stomach, without a scratch on myself.

"Tsk... This is why I don't attack first.♠️" He sulked.

I stood still. I should attack next so he'll be happy.

"I will attack." I warned.

"Thank you my dear~♥️" He smirked.

I followed through with my words and threw exactly 34 punches his way; all of which he dodged. On the 33rd punch, he'd managed to kick my side, thus pushing me away.

I used the momentum to run behind a large rock. Knowing what Hisoka is like; I used my Gyo and, sure enough, I had a line of Bungee Gum attached to my side.

I stepped from behind the rock and back into his view. "I said no Nen."

"Aww~ You caught me~ If you can tell me when I attached it, I'll take it off~♦️"

His gum jerked me forward slightly.

Hmm I'm not too sure... I should have known Hisoka would've used his Nen in a no-Nen battle. Maybe:

"You lifted your fingers up when you said '10 points'. That's when you attached it." I guessed.

His gum started to drag me forward.

"Ah-ha Illumi, you got it wrong~♣️"

He'd pulled me close enough to grab my cheeks.

"You're so cute when you get something wrong~♣️" He teased. "You're silently disappointed~♥️"

"Are we going to finish sparring? We each have 1 point." I stated.


We fought till the crack of dawn. Hisoka won: 6-10.

We walked back to the Inn together and relaxed in silence till Chrollo woke up.

We were soon back on our journey.


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