13. Maybe

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Illumi POV:

I don't understand why anyone would like a theme park. Pathetic children are throwing silly tantrums while their incompetent parents run around without a clue. The unnecessarily large crowds of people make it hard to see and breathe, it's too noisy to hear anything clearly as well.

There's a reason I've never wanted to go to one of these. The only reason I'm here now is because Hisoka thinks he's doing something nice.

I just want to be back in the hotel room.

"Here!♦️" Hisoka yelled through the noise. He handed me a candy apple and grinned.

I took a bite out the apple.

Too sweet...

I have to eat it though...

For Hisoka.

He grabbed my free hand and dragged me to the end of a queue. "Let's go on this!♦️"

We waited and as we got closer to the ride, the noise level went down, with the occasional screams of people on the ride.

"Where's Chrollo?" I asked in a slightly louder tone than usual.

"Oh, Chrollo wanted to enjoy the park with his spiders.♥️" Hisoka replied but subtly leaned next to my ear. "That means I have you all to myself~♦️"

I pushed him away and looked to the floor.

People are going to stare if he keeps flirting...

After about a 10 minute wait, it was finally our time to ride. I had no idea what to expect... The rollercoaster was inside so I couldn't see what was happening.

We were seated in the front seats of a make-believe spaceship, the workers quickly pulled uncomfortable harnesses over us.

I can already tell this is not going to be fun. Tch...

Before the ride began, I felt something heavy lay over my lap.

What's this?

I glanced over to Hisoka who smiled. "Some Bungee Gum to keep you extra safe~♥️"

"Safe?" Is this dangerous-

"THREE!" A loud voice boomed.

Wait- I don't-


-want to...


Immediately after, the ride shot away from the starting point. People were screaming in the background, as was Hisoka. I didn't know what to do with my body. Scream? Smile? Shout?

Hisoka grabbed my wrist and lifted mine and his arms up.

The rollercoaster kept getting faster and faster, the sudden drops would make my stomach churn and the loops would make me feel dizzy. The cart slowed down as we approached a large hill. I took the moment to catch my breath; my heart was unexpectedly racing and my body was shaking.

I've experienced a lot of things... But nothing quite like this...

As we reached the top of the hill, Hisoka grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. However, he quickly let go when the rollercoaster hit it's climax and began to fly around the remainder of the ride.

Am I smiling?

Eventually we came to a stop. The passengers took to the exit to let the new ones on.

My stomach feels like it's been turned inside out...

"Wow Illumi, I never knew you could get even more pale!♦️" Hisoka laughed. "How was it~♥️"

I found it hard to stand, my legs were limp, to the point I had to use Hisoka's arm to assist my walking.

"It was ok." I answered.

"Let's go look at the photos!♦️" He blurted and dragged me to a display area. He scanned the pictures.

"Illumi!♦️" He gasped. "You're smiling in our photo!♥️"

Before I could respond, he'd ran to the counter, coming back with a printed image of both of us smiling ear-to-ear.

Is this his genuine smile? It seems different than usual.

I gently nodded and he excitedly pulled me to the next ride; another rollercoaster.

This time was better, I began to enjoy myself.


As time passed, it was getting dark. Many rides were closed and I was sat at a metal table while Hisoka brought us some food.

I saw Chrollo was with him at the food stall but Hisoka returned alone.

"Hey, there's one last ride I wanna go on after we finish our food.♦️"

I gently smiled. "Which one is it?"

He pointed to a giant slow-spinning wheel with different coloured carriages. "Over there~♥️"

The previous rides were fun but this seemed more up my alley.

We hurriedly finished our food and wandered over. There were significantly less people around; the sun was hiding behind the trees, creating a pretty red colour in the sky. I was comfortable holding Hisoka's hand in this atmosphere, it would be a waste of a romantic moment not to.

There wasn't a line for the Ferris wheel and it looked as though not many other people would ride it. The man who ran the wheel said we could go around an extra 2 times, free of charge.

We stepped inside the box and the man locked the door. It was peaceful, I sat across from Hisoka. I could hear his gentle breathing and his foot rhythmically tapping the ground.

We sat in silence for the most part. We went around once until Hisoka tapped the space next to him. I took the hint and sat next to him, careful not to rock the carriage.

He rested him arm around my shoulder while I lent into him. I could hear his quickening heartbeat as we did another circle.

His heart is beating pretty fast...

While we reached the top of our third course, the ride came to an abrupt stop. I pulled away from Hisoka, silently asking him what to do.

He sighed. "Illumi. Don't worry. I asked Chrollo to stop the ride.♣️"

"W-why?" I muttered, ever so slightly shifting further away from him.

"I want to ask you something.♣️" He told me. He had an unusual amount of seriousness in his voice and couldn't look at me. "You can't avoid it. Only I can get us out of here.♣️"

I already knew what was coming.

He finally looked at me and took my hands into his. "Will you be my boyfriend?♥️"


Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now