24.5. Swingals

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Illumi POV:

Chrollo gave us all 30 minutes to freshen up before the next half of the bus journey. Everyone split up; Hisoka and I went to an empty park we saw in the distance.

Hisoka was in a disgustingly sweet mood. Stopping me mid-walk to hug me. Complimenting me on every aspect of myself and calling me things like "pudding" and "sweetness".

I used to hate the pet names he used but they've really grown on me.

The walk to the park was easily a 2 minute walk, but with Hisoka's constant need for attention, it took 5.

However, the tedious walk was worth it.

Since it was late evening, nobody was around, no screaming kids or other couples. Just me and my boyfriend.

The evening sky was beautiful. Similarly to the one at the theme park; it reddened the sky and gave the perfect lighting to show-off Hisoka's good-looking face.

We took our seats on the swings, holding hands as we gently swung forwards and backwards.

It was a little noisy due to the highway being so close. Yet, that didn't take anything away from the moment.

"I could stay here forever~♥️" Hisoka sighed, breaking the silence.

"It's nice." I replied, looking at the floor.

Hisoka giggled and began kicking his legs forwards and backwards; gaining enough momentum to launch himself off the swing.

He's so cute.

He looked me with stars in his eyes, as if he'd just done the most exciting thing in human history.

I couldn't help but laugh; it's moments like these that make me wish I appreciated my younger days a little more.

I didn't have Hisoka when I was younger so it would have been boring anyway~

"Illumi.♥️" Hisoka said, getting a little serious. "I really love you, you know.♥️"

My face began to burn and my stomach had that strange feeling again.

He slowly walked towards my swing. "You're not like Gon, or Chrollo, or anyone for that matter. It's a different kind of excitement...♥️" He perfectly timed his walk to end his sentence with a warm kiss. As he pulled away he smiled and giggled. "Honey bunny~♥️"

"You ruined it..." I teasingly sulked.  "...Sweetie."

Hisoka paused for a moment.

"You said it!♦️" He exclaimed while rugby-tackling me off the swing into a hug. His Bungee Gum fortunately gave me a soft landing. "Say it again! Call me another pet name!♥️"

"Hisoka-dear." I mumbled. "I love you, Hisoka-dear."

I could feel his heartbeat become more prominent as he pulled his body closer into mine.

"I love you too!♥️"


Before we knew it; it was time to return to the bus.

I don't want to leave.


A/N: Just a quick side story lol
normal chapters will continue tomorrow

unless I'm still sick>:(

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