28. Encyclopedia of pspsps

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Illumi POV:

It's already day five of the training sessions. Mike has made so much progress too, she finally learnt the basics and she'll take the command from anyone other than Hisoka; which is funny.

Eliza was going around each of the puppies, taking mental notes of their strengths and limitations.

"Mikey, here. Sit... Stay... Up! Mikey up! Good girl!" She said as she petted Mike and stood up to face Chrollo. "She's doing great! She'll be a fully trained dog in no time!"

"Well that's great to hear! I knew she was special the moment I laid eyes on her!" Chrollo expressed.

"Yes, she's a very special little pup, and very beautiful, aren't ya Mikey?"

Mike was too busy digging in the mud to acknowledge her question, causing Chrollo and Eliza to chuckle.

"Well it's time for our break now! You know the drill; snacks and drinks are inside and we'll be back in 10!" She said before she walked away to inform the other dog owners.

Hisoka's half of the class was still in session so I wandered off to the bathroom.

This is my first time in here, and I must say I'm quite impressed, the marble really ties everything together.

After doing my business, there was nobody else in the toilets so I began a deeper inspection of the flawless interior design.

Everything matches; from the toilet roll holder and the soap dispenser to the lining of the mirror and a colour within the marble.

"Ah I see you're admiring the seemingly perfect design of this place." A familiar but annoying voice announced.

Why must have I bumped into him? I thought his class was still going too.

I politely nodded my head and tried to escape, but unsurprisingly, I was stopped by his arm against the wall.

He sure is lucky there are cameras pointing at us.

"So we haven't spoken in a while. And I want to examine your pin further." He stated. "Please."

I contemplated throwing the pin at him. However, to keep up appearances, I gently smiled and handed it to him.

Almost instantly he began to describe and evaluate everything about the pin.

This guy is annoying. He talks too much for too long. He goes into too much detail and gets sidetracked often.

On top of that, he has another irritating trait: He's always right. So far he's been able to correctly guess; the material of the pin, who made it, how old it is and how often I clean it.

"Hm it's strange, this pin seems to be such a precious and rather expensive antique but I saw a little boy with an exact copy of this a few years back. Since you have the same pin maybe you know him." He chuckled at the ridiculous thought. "That would be funny, what was his name? Killua?

This guy's met Killu?

I let out a protective aura as a warning to the sound of my brother's name. It was close to a bloodlust but clearly not enough to shake the guy.

"Cool kid, man. Him and his friend were fun to hang with. Damn I miss them."

I guess this confirms his dog was named after Hisoka's Gon.

Speak of the devil - I guess my aura got to someone.

"Illumi. Are you alright?♦️" Hisoka spluttered as he barged into the bathroom.

"Well." Zepile nodded. "I suppose I should leave you two lovebirds alone. This was fun. If you have anymore things you can show me, please do!" He said, tossing my pin into the air onto my hand.

"Show him what?♠️" Hisoka asked, changing his whole demeanor.

"My boobs?" I replied as if the situation was crystal clear.

Hisoka didn't take my comment seriously like he usually does but instead went along with it. "You'll show that weirdo your boobs but not me?♥️" He maybe not-so-jokingly whined.

After his sentence, my fingers became intertwined with his and I started to be guided back to the garden.

"Hisoka, we shower together everyday. You can't have me all to yourself, you should share with others too." I continued the joke as if it was a normal conversation.

"What! We haven't showered together since we moved to the caravan!♥️" He complained.

"Blame Chrollo."

The flow of the conversation came to an abrupt stop because Hisoka had started to take it a little seriously.

"Illumi~Dearrr~~♥️" He moaned as he pulled on my arm. "You know what Chrollo's like- I don't think two guys showering together is gonna faze him.♥️"

You've got a point, Hisoka

Inevitably I caved. "Do you want to shower with me tonight?"

I took his big grin and warm aura as a definite yes.

"Speaking of showering, we need to give Mochi a bath." I mindlessly said.

"Yes! Let's do that!♦️"


Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now