8. Arrival

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Illumi POV:

In the morning, the three of us were exploring the area for any sign of Gon and Killua

I hope Killu won't be too shocked to see me. I'm rather looking forward to this visit.

"Chrollo!" Someone called. "Chrollo!" Uvogin appeared from behind a building, waving us down. "Chrollo, we found the chain user!" He stressed.

"Really!" Chrollo gasped. "Is he alone? Where is he?"

"He's with a tall brown-haired male, about early 30s I'd say. He's just through this alleyway! We need to hurry." Uvogin blurted. "I'm gonna kill him!"

Chrollo smiled mischievously and turned to us. "You two will be alright on your own right? I'm going to watch a fight."

We nodded and they dashed around the corner.

Hm, I wanted Chrollo to help with Alluka. At least I get them to myself now...

"Illumi dear~♥️" Hisoka sang.

"What." I responded.

"Oh nothing~ I just want to say your name~♥️" He giggled.

I scoffed and looked away. We were using Gyo to try locate Gon and Killua.

"I don't think they'd live in the town. Killua would prefer to live on the outskirts." I suggested.

"True~ Let's go up that hill and look.♦️"

On top of the hill, we scanned the area, there was a small wooded section with a small bungalow slightly peeping out.

"Well that was easy~♣️" Hisoka bragged.

"We don't know it's theirs-" I tried to reason but a large spark of electricity shot up, giving their identities away.


"See~ Let's go.♦️" Hisoka laughed as he strided in the direction of the bungalow.

"Hisoka. We must talk it through." I demanded.

"Ok. You get Killua and I get Gon~♦️" He nonchalantly replied.

I huffed in frustration at him.

He is going to fight Gon no matter what. I suppose he trusts me to keep Kil away. I'll just stick to the plan I thought of earlier; take Alluka and wait. Alluka is unable to fight back and has a close relationship with Killua. Therefore he is the perfect hostage.


"Hm~ That walk took longer than I expected~♦️" Hisoka hummed as we stepped into the bungalow's garden.

Hisoka cheerfully skipped over to the front door and knocked. I jumped into a tree and hid.

Alluka answered the door so I decided it was safe and began to creep towards him.

"Hi, Sir!" He greeted.

"Hello, Miss~ May I ask if Gon is here?♦️" Hisoka asked.

He bashfully nodded and turned away to call Gon. As he was distracted, I quickly swooped him from the door, taking us to a place that's out of Killua's range of electricity but still in his field of vision.

Gon heard Alluka's call and wondered over to the door.

"Gon!♦️" Hisoka shouted, lunching into the room, trying to grab him. Naturally, Gon jumped away and called for Killua.

Hisoka let himself inside the house, blatantly following Gon.


"Onii-chan?" Alluka mumbled.

I heard Hisoka manically laughing and... Footsteps.

I immediately threw my pins at the source of the sound, successfully pinning Killua to a tree.

"Give her back." He said sternly.

"Hisoka would like to fight Gon. It is my job to keep you away from them." I responded. "Don't think of trying anything, I don't consider this thing family." I threatened.

Killua tensed. "She's a girl! Not a thing!" He yelled.

I ignored him.

I have Killua tied around my finger. At least he won't get caught up in the fight. Hisoka doesn't hold back when it comes to Gon. Killua won't try anything too risky and neither shall I.

We both silently agreed to sit still till the fight was over. Alluka was frightened but managed to fall asleep in my arms during the wait.


"ROCK... PAPER..." Gon screamed.

A big explosion followed the shouts; Hisoka and Gon had taken their fight outside.

It seems Gon has only gotten approximately 8% stronger than the last time we met him. His punch is definitely more powerful. Hisoka will like that.


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