35. So I'm starting a Kickstarter

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Illumi POV:

There's only been very few times where I've been genuinely angry and this is one of them.

I didn't have an emotional attachment to Mochi- he's just a dog. We can get a new one. It's moreso how Hisoka purposely killed him.

A perfectly good, trained dog.

He's really pissed me off today.

To make matters worse, the housekeepers and guards were now guiding us to a separate room in the house. Along the way, they were profusely apologising, giving us pitiful looks and forced sympathy.

I just want to go home at this point. One thing I hate more than Hisoka is pity.

I want to force Hisoka to sleep on the sofa while I steal his bed.

I want to leave the bathroom mid-shower and leave him to shower alone.

But for now.

"Right this way." The housekeeper gently offered, holding a door open for us.

We were greeted by a small walkway that led to a bright, open office.

There was a large window that overlooked the more well-kept section of the garden. In front of the window was a grand, oak office desk and an unoccupied leather chair. On either side of the room, bookshelves full of books and messy folders surrounded us.

However our focus was brought to a mature, blood-red sofa and chair set. We were shakily sat down and offered tea and cakes, along with two glasses of water.

"We sincerely apologize for how today's events played out." A maid expressed, deeply bowing. "Please enjoy these refreshments while we wait for the head of the house to arrive." She bowed once again and disappeared behind the door.

I sat at the furthest point from Hisoka; squashed up against the side of the sofa, whilest he sat nearer to the middle.

Are we going to meet the Light Nostrade? In blood and flesh?

Hisoka and I waited in a rather awkward silence.

I already know this is torture for him. He's so simple minded, meaning he hates the cold shoulder.

We waited together until the door clicked and opened.

A tall, muscular man walked in, followed by a very short, bald woman, Neon Nostrade and Killua's friend from the Hunter Exam.

The tall man showed Neon to the single seat opposite us and stood behind it.

Killua's friend and the short woman stood to the side, next to the entrance. Both seemed tense after seeing us but stayed professional.

That girl is the head of the house? She looks about Milluki's age but she's dressed as a child.

I shouldn't underestimate her. One thing I can confirm is that the more bizarre they look, it's likely the more powerful they are.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She consoled, her heart didn't seem into it- almost as if she was forced to apologise. "As compensation, we- no; I would like to read your fortune."

"Hm~ No thank you Ma'am.♠️" Hisoka rudely answered.

Upon hearing his rejection she stood up. "No!" She sreamed. "What do you mean no? Do you have any idea what people would do-" She was stopped by a calming squeeze on her shoulder by her bodyguard.

She huffed and fell back into her seat, arms crossed.

I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible but I also wanted to spite Hisoka.

These fortune tellings are famous anyway, may aswell get one.

I cleared my throat. "May I get my fortune told?" I asked in my best 'normal person' voice.

Neon sprung back up and gleamed. "Yay!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands.

The short bold women walked over and handed her a piece of paper.

"Ok! So write your full name, birthday and blood type and I'll do it!"

I nodded and followed her instructions. Handing her the paper once I was finished.

Almost immediately, she revealed an impressive Nen and, using Gyo, I could see a ghoulish creature floating on her hand.

She wrote something on the paper and, with a smile, handed it to me.

It read:

two empty shells share a home,
the loss of a third goes south.
knocking the two shells north,
driving off the path that was set for them.

two crabs leave the comfort of their home,
only to be faced with the unknown.
the shells are no longer empty.
creating a new path for the new third.

three full shells share a home,
the discovery of the third shell goes right.
nothing will go left quite yet,
not even the path in front of them.

I could tell Hisoka wanted to read it so I spitefully shoved it in his direction.

"I haven't read it!" She giggled. "But I hope it makes you feel better! My fortunes are never wrong!"

I nodded and looked to Hisoka, the smirk on his face told me he understood the fortune.

He's still not sleeping on the bed with me though.


A/N Ok I would just like to brag and say I got a 7 (an A) in my English Literature GCSE. However, Neon's poem I wrote clearly doesn't reflect that.🤦

the TL;DR of the poem is Illumi and Hisoka get a dog and strengthen their relationship.

(also sorry for uploading late, there was a storm and the connection cut >.<)

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