9. Nevermind

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Chrollo POV:

Uvogin led me to the top of a building, Shalnark was stationed there, keeping tabs on the Chain User.

"Who is the man he is with?" I asked.

"His name is Leorio Paladiknight, he is a newbie Hunter who got his license at the 287th Hunter exam and famously a member of the Zodiacs. He appears to have a 'close' relation with the Chain User." Shalnark answered.

I took a closer look at Kurapika and Leorio, they walked through the town, arm in arm, unaware they were being watched.

"Both are Zodiacs, huh? They seem to be recruiting just about anybody." I snarkily commented. "I wonder why they're in a place like this, you two should be careful-" I was cut off by Uvogin's shouting.

The pair had took a turn into a secluded alleyway, so both him and Shalnark cornered them.

I sat back and examined the fight.

As soon as I loose confidence, we're leaving. The Zodiacs may not look like much but they're powerful, knowing Kurapika's ability with chains too, this likely won't end well.

"I'll take the big guy." Kurapika directed.

"Why do you get the big one." Leorio complained, however still following Kurapika's orders.

They bickered a little, however, Leorio and Kurapika didn't seem fazed by the sudden attack.

We need to leave.

I began to flip though my book.
"Meleoron - God's Accomplice." I quietly mumbled to myself.

Without another thought, I'd jumped down and grabbed Uvogin.

We swiftly fled the scene, leaving Kurapika confused.

I trust Shalnark will be ok, even with both Zodiacs on him; I'm sure he'll be able to escape.

Once we were far enough, me and Uvogin sat back and waited. Fortunately, Shalnark returned without a scratch, earning him a bold hug from his other half.

"Hm. They've grown significantly since our last encounter. It appears I underestimated them. I apologise." I admitted.

"It's not often we can't beat someone, huh?" Shalnark responded.

"I almost had him!" Uvogin blurted, causing his co-worker to jump.

"I think we will have to gather the others to ensure victory. I don't want any of you to be killed in a small fight like this." As I spoke, Uvogin slowly began to calm down.

They both nodded in agreement.

I smiled, "We need to find Hisoka and Illumi, with their auras active, I'm sure it won't be hard. Please give me a tip if you see them."

"Yes, sir!" They said together.

I watched Shalnark and Uvogin walk away to their different hiding places. Before they split, Uvogin playfully messed Shalnark's hair, causing Shalnark to retaliate and kick his shin, obviously in vain.

I giggled at their interaction and we were soon on our way to find Hisoka, Illumi and their friends.


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