22. Baby changing station

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Illumi POV:

"Hey Illumi, Hisoka!" Chrollo called just as Mochi was calming down.

Hisoka and the others began conversing which gave me time to be alone with my never-ending stream of thoughts;

Chrollo seems to have taken a liking to me since the blimp ride. Maybe because he knows a weakness of mine? Could he possibly feel closer to me?

Before that journey, we used to sit in dead silence while in the woods, Hisoka occasionally saying what's on his mind but for the most part, just being comfortable around eachother.

Now, we play games, talk about everyday things and we even adopted a dog.

Are we finally developing a stable relationship with one another? There doesn't seem to be an ulterior motive. Either way... I feel happy.

"Illumi Zoldyck." Chrollo's other spider greeted. "I'm Nobunaga, it's a pleasure." He said as he bowed.

I politely nodded. "Mm."

"Say, have you ever thought about joining the Troupe? Imagine having two Zoldycks on our side, that'd be amazing! You must be really strong, right?" He happily rambled.

In result of my loss for words, Hisoka jumped in and 'saved' me. He put his arm over my shoulder and calmly stated, "We're not too interested in that stuff, Nobunaga-san.♥️"

Despite his rejection, his friendly smile never left his face. "Awh, that's a shame, it would be nice for Kalluto-kun to have his brother around. Perhaps he'd be a little more cheerful."

I glance of to my brother who is calmly sat alone with Mochi.

He looks pretty cheerful to me.

"You should have seen Illumi when I first met him~♥️" Hisoka teased. "He was really cool~♥️"

"I'd bet! I've only met you briefly," He said, looking at me. "But you and your brother are very similar."

Hm? Never heard that one before.

"Ah yes," Hisoka chuckled. "Compared to Killua, Illumi and Kalluto are very similar.♥️" He squeezed my shoulder and stood a little closer to me.

"So. Everyone." Chrollo announced, ending our conversation. "I've discovered something that I was unaware existed. Dog training classes!" He clasped his hands and gave a sweet smile. "Now, I know we all want the best for Mochi, so I have found the best dog trainer there is."

Nobunaga cleared his throat and stepped beside Chrollo. "Indeed. The classes are each 2 hours long, allowing 2 owners per dog."

It seemed Nobunaga was about to continue but Hisoka nicely raised his hand. "Are you suggesting we get two more dogs?♥️"

I want two more dogs.

Chrollo and Nobunaga masked their excited smiles with stern faces, as did I.

"I'm sure the three of us would be allowed in. My spiders will be waiting outside during classes. Worse case scenario is, yes, getting another dog." Chrollo spoke up.

"And how do you know this dog trainer is the best? Where is it located?♣️" Hisoka skeptically questioned.

"It is owned by a couple named Squala and Eliza, I had some business with them once." Chrollo replied but hesitated on the second part; "It is located in the gardens of Nostrade's Mansion."

"Nostrade's Mansion. That's Mafia territory. I'm not sure I want my dearest to be put in that position.♠️" As Hisoka said that, he was lent into my back and he spoke close to my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm a familiar face, I'm sure they'll treat us with respect. Also; what are the Mafia gonna do to us? We could always just kill them if worse comes to worst.

Hisoka thought for a moment and placed himself in front of me. "Mafia gangs have lapdogs everywhere, it'll get annoying to be hunted down by men who cannot even lay a finger on me."

Nobunaga let out a giggle. "That happened to us right after the auction, right Boss? Trust me, they gave up in less than a month."

"Yes, on the same note, we'll be there for dog training, it's not like we're trying to steal their possessions." Chrollo shrugged.

I understand where Hisoka is coming from. Hisoka likes strong people, and individually, the Mafia are not strong. He is only able to see the risk. It's not dangerous, only inconvenient. As an assassin I completely get his viewpoint. However, I'm siding with Chrollo.

As a way of telling Hisoka I wanted to go, I tried to copy his earlier movements by pushing up close to his body. I gently placed my right hand on his hip and slid my other hand to grip his shoulder.

Hisoka melted into my rare touch. I felt his usually cold aura begin to warm up around him and he sighed, receiving my memo. "Alright~ I suppose you two have a point.♥️"

"Perfect! We'll leave later on today, ok? It's pretty far so it'll be an overnight journey like last time." Chrollo gleamed, "The whole training course is 12 lessons long, so be sure to pack for about 2-3 weeks!"

2-3 weeks is longer than expected.

Everyone hummed in agreement and we agreed to meet back up in 5 hours.

Before taking his leave, Chrollo smiled and looked at me. "We won't be taking a blimp this time. He giggled.


I convinced Hisoka to let us take Mochi back to his apartment for the time being.

We held hands on the way home and in doing so, held Mochi's lead together.

It appears initiating a small touch on Hisoka, eg; touching his waist, has put him in an exceptionally good mood.

Maybe I should do it more often.


A/N This chapter was mostly just context, sorry if it was a bit boring lmao

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