16. Watch the light dude

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Illumi POV:

I didn't feel like speaking today, so I didn't.

Hisoka and I were catching up on recent fights at Heaven's Arena while sat on the sofa.

Hisoka seemed lost in his thoughts, he had a stern look on his face.

Probably thinking about Gon... My brother is stronger.

We sat in silence for a small while until there was a knock at our door. Hisoka, being too deep in thought, hadn't noticed surprisingly.

I think that's Chrollo.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hi Illumi!" He said cheerfully, handing me a box. "I brought you these, I heard you liked them so I ordered them just before we took off. Please enjoy!" He gleamed and waited for my response.

I gave him a thank you nod and half-a-bow to say goodbye.

"Bye!" He said as I closed the door. I turned around to see Hisoka staring at the door with a scowl on his face, as I walked closer I struggled to breathe while inside his heavy aura of jealousy.

I made my way to the small kitchen area in our room; it had a simple sink, a kettle and a counter. I opened the box and began unpackaging the contents.

I could feel Hisoka's aura devour me as he slowly strutted over. Unexpectedly, his arms wrapped wrapped themselves around my waist while his face found comfort in my shoulder.

"Illumi dear~♠️" He whispered, trying to be gentle but his voice was clearly agitated. "Whatcha got~♠️"

I moved my head out the way to reveal a tea set.

"Oh? If you wanted a tea set, I'd get you one.♠️" He commented. Why did Chrollo give it to you?♠️" He angrily grumbled.

What is he so mad about? Goddamn.

I paused for a moment, trying to think of an appropriate way to respond.

"You told Chrollo I was uncomfortable so he brought me tea in your name... You also told him I liked this brand." I answered in monotone, holding up a box of teabags.

Hisoka moved into my field of vision. "But why did HE give you them?♠️" He reiterated.

Is he being serious? He knows better than anybody that "Chrollo's just like that~♥️"

I looked at him with my normal, dull, expression and continued making my tea.

After letting out a grunt of frustration, Hisoka stomped back to the sofa.

Why is Hisoka letting petty human dramas cloud his emotions?

I brewed two cups of tea and brought them to the sofa, offering one to my boyfriend but getting quickly rejected.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you." I sarcastically mumbled as I put the extra cup down.

In response, he crossed his arms and pouted.

Come on Hisoka... Don't make me speak. I'm already uncomfortable as it is.

"Talk to me." I stated, sipping my tea.

Then he began his monologue:

"Well, why can't I just do things for my boyfriend, huh? I want to be the one to calm you down, I want to buy you your favourite tea, why has someone else got to do it? You need to start asking me for stuff ok?...
(small speech)
... and finally, I don't like that tone you used earlier. It make me feel bad.♥️" He finished and re-crossed his arms.

Did he just list a whole list of reasons on why he is upset... That's very... Hisoka.

At least his tantrum is over.

"Oh." I responded. His speech threw me off a little.

There was a brief silence as I attempted to muster up what to say next.

"I'm sorry!♥️" He dramatically cried and threw his arms around me, skillfully not knocking my tea out my hand.

Ah, normal Hisoka is back.

"It's ok..." I awkwardly assured as I rubbed his back.

I'm not good at these kinds of things.

"You had good intentions." I said.

"I just want to be the best boyfriend.♥️" He whispered.

I put my teacup down and hugged him back. The tea had obviously made me sleepy; fortunately, my body is immune to caffeine so I only get the calming effects of tea.

For the next half of the flight, we slept together on the sofa.


We woke up with still 3 and a half hours of the flight left.

Chrollo conveniently knocked on the door to check up on us right after our nap so Hisoka invited him in to play cards.

We sat on the floor around a table and started off by playing Poker.

Hisoka is surprisingly bad at the game: when he gets a good deck, his head will tilt up but when it's bad, it'll tilt to the right; when he's bluffing, he can't hide his smirk and will straighten up his back; when he is telling the truth, he'll look at me, then Chrollo, then back at me.

After spending our final hours playing games, I felt comfortable in the blimp.

Chrollo checked his phone and looked up at at me "Ah, the blimp is landing in 10 minutes, we'll start going down in about 3 minutes." He warned. "Don't worry, you won't even feel it." He smiled while Hisoka nodded in return. "I'll leave you two to it then." And with that, he was out the door.

Hisoka suggestively looked over to me. "Wouldn't it be hot to make-out while the blimp   lands?♦️"

"No." I assertively replied. "This is the worst part."

Hisoka reapplied his Bungee Gum from breakfast. "Well?♥️" He said, tugging me towards him.

I caved and clambered into his lap. Due to our only 1/2 inch height difference, I didn't fit very well between his legs. He didn't seem to mind my hair in his face though.


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