7. Target Acquired

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Hisoka POV:

Although I don't agree with Illumi's outlook on life, there are some positives to it.

One being he can't hold a grudge. He wholeheartedly believes there's no point in being angry for an excessive amount of time. Therefore, things were normal between us in the morning.

Neither of us apologised though.

Sometimes I wish he'd just try to understand me...

You win some you loose some.

Either way~ I still get my Illumi~

Me and Illumi waited outside Chrollo's room. Two half-dressed tarts scurried out the room, followed by Chrollo appearing at the door, shirtless, messy hair and a satisfied look on his face.

"Good morning you two!" He beamed. "We're a good 10 minutes away from the island, so make sure you have everything ready!"

Before either of us could respond, he quickly closed his door. Some muffled voices spoke up and another indecent harlot left the room.

"Wow three in one go!♦️" I joked.

Illumi silently judged all four of the participants, a subtle look of disgust appeared in his, otherwise emotionless, eyes.

"Sweetie~ Don't judge them like that~ Speaking from experience, it's quite fun... Maybe we should try it sometime~♦️"

Illumi darted his eyes to me, clearly bothered at my statement, however, discarding it.

"Don't call me sweetie." He scolded.



"According to my map, we'll be near Gon's location at 7pm maximum." Chrollo said as we got off the ship. "Let alone the time it'll take to find him... So that leaves one question. Do you want to fight him in the day or in the night?"


If we fight in the night, I'll surely have an advantage. I want Gon to come at me with full force. It's better to fight in the day.

Plus I'll get a clear view of that pretty face of his~

"We will rest after our journey, I would like to fight him in the daytime.♦️"

"Alright, I'll search for hotels in the area!" Chrollo said as he whipped out his phone and began tapping away.

Hm, Illumi hasn't looked at me since this morning.

In an attempt to get his attention, I tucked some of his hair behind his ear. I kissed my index and middle finger and gently placed the indirect kiss on Illumi's cheek.

No response, huh? If that's how you wanna play~♦️

I put my arm around Illumi's waist and slowly moved my hand down. Before I made contact with his bottom, a needle flew into my forearm.

"Ouchie~♦️" I whimpered as I moved my hand up to his shoulder.

Another pin came flying towards my face but was stopped by my Bungee Gum.

"Illumi~ Are you angry~♥️"

"You're making us stand out too much, Hisoka." He whispered and gestured to the many people staring at us.

That's another thing I like about Illumi; he likes to stay under the radar. A good trait for an assassin~

I dropped my hands and stuffed them in my pockets.


"Hey! This is exactly where Gon was stood!" Chrollo suddenly exclaimed, stopping in his tracks. "We're 30 minutes early too."

"Can we get food? I ate all my snacks in the forest...♠️" I complained.

"Of course, there's a restaurant in the hotel I found!"

How does Chrollo continue to stay so energetic? I can be energetic too, I guess but we've just walked for 8 hours, plus he had an 'eventful' night last night.

The restaurant was kind enough to let us in earlier than our reservation.

Me and Chrollo each ordered separate plates of food whereas Illumi ordered a tea.

Chrollo and I chatted over lunch, Illumi occasionally chipping into the conversation but, for the most part, keeping quiet.


After we'd finished, Chrollo gave us our keys to our room and left Illumi and I at the table.

"Illumi dear~ I've never seen you drink tea before.♥️" I said, trying to spark a conversation.

"They don't sell coffee." He mumbled back.

"Oh~♥️" I gently giggled. "Are you excited for tomorrow? You get to see your brothers and I get to see Gon~♦️"

Illumi perked up at the mention of Killua but tried to remain cool about it.

He silently acknowledged what I said and left us both in quietness.

I slapped my thighs and stood up. "Well I suppose we'd better go to our room.♥️"

Illumi nodded and we went to find our room. It was a reasonably fancy hotel, especially considering it wasn't in a major city.

As we opened the door, we were greeted by a grand red curtain with golden lining covering a big window. Next to said window, were two chairs and a table, accompanied with complimentary teas and biscuits. There was a pastel green bathroom which was about the same size as our room on the ship. It was very impressive but there was one problem.

There were two separate beds.

Illumi's not going to willingly sleep on the same bed as me.♠️

"Hisoka. You can sleep first. I'm not tired." He said, sitting on the bed closest to the door.

"You're not tired? Help me train then?♥️" I asked.

He stood up and nodded. We came up with a game where Illumi had to throw as many of his needles as he could at me and I had to catch them with as little aura as possible.

During the game, we had 3 noise complaints, the last complaint being Chrollo so we decided to stop playing.

It was fun; my highlight was seeing Illumi crack a small smile.

Deep down he's just like me.

We did a few more reps of everything; press-ups, sit-ups etc.

Illumi's body has been trained to stay awake through long and harsh periods of time.

He hates the slightest feeling of fatigue so if he's even a little out of breath, he will rest.

Fortunately, I was able to tire him out a little. He flopped down onto the bed and I joined him.

We were both hot and sweating so we didn't cuddle. Just lay together, hand in hand, waiting for morning.


Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now