25. Floor gang

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Hisoka POV:

The rest of the bus journey was perfect. After Illumi's stunt during the 30 minute break, I was in a mood so great that I couldn't begin to put it into words.

Throughout the ride, Illumi and I took turns resting our heads on eachother's shoulders, Mochi connected us further by sprawling out over both our laps.

We had a small break half way through, however me and Illumi slept through it.


"Oi, wake up." A voice surfaced.

Despite being awake, I ignored the voice.

"Hisoka, I know you're bloody awake." They said again, this time with a forceful smack to my head.

I fluttered open my eyes and smirked. "Morning Machi~♠️" I said passive aggressively.

"Fucking finally. Hurry up you lazy bastard, we're leaving."

"Well that's not very nice~♠️" I triumphantly stated but she had already stomped off the bus.

She's only nice when she wants to be. But that's to be expected~

I gingerly woke Illumi up and guided his sleepy body off the bus.

He's always told me how good it feels to sleep without one eye open. I'm glad he feels safe with me.

One we got off the bus, the sight was beautiful. We'd parked almost just outside the mansion. It had a well maintained garden; freshly cut grass with blooming flowers, fresh water fountains, small statues etc.

There was a poster outside which read "All inclusive dog and puppy training classes - open now till April." It wasn't too flashy but it was well-advertised.

A man in a butler's uniform approached Chrollo and eventually led our group to the entrance of the home. He showed us where the bathrooms were, revealled to us an array of refreshments (on the house) and where we will be having our classes.

I glanced around to see the spiders having a group meeting.

"Hm~ I feel a little left out~♥️" I joked to Illumi, who nodded in return.

All the members, except Chrollo and Nobunaga, soon went back to where they came from, taking the bus with them.

Chrollo approached us with a cheery smile on his face. "Good morning you two! I hope you had a nice sleep! Our first training session is starting in fifteen minutes, so get ready~"

Before we could respond, he swiftly left us alone.

Well not completely alone; after his nap, Mochi was more energetic than ever. Jumping up at me and spontaneously barking.

We've had Mochi no less than 3 days but he's really grown on me.

I knelt down to Mochi's level and shook his fur coat. "Are you excited? Yes? Aw you're excited aren't you?♥️"

Illumi squatted down aswell, joining me in cooing our dog.

After a while, I grabbed Illumi's hand and we rose. "Honey, could you hold Mochi for a little bit, I've got to use the bathroom.♥️"

As expected, the interior of the house was grand. Likely priceless portraits and expensive goods were on display, along with even grander, intimidating cameras.

And, of course, the bathroom was no different. Real marble tiles lined the floor, walls and ceiling. Everything matched; from the toilet roll holder and the soap dispenser to the lining of the mirror and a colour within the marble tiles.

It smelt amazing too- almost like a citrus-y linen that was neither too strong nor too weak.

I did my business in the fancy bathroom, quickly returning back to my boyfriend who had gotten himself in an uncomfortable situation.

A strange man; thick, curly eyebrows, wide eyes and a ridiculous looking shirt and jacket; was talking to Illumi.

Whatever he was talking about, he seemed pretty passionate about it as Illumi couldn't get a word in.

Not like Illumi would talk to him anyway~

He'd managed to obtain one of Illu's pins, in fact, and was admiring it, it seemed as though the pin was the topic at hand.

I shot a strong aura at him, not enough to get a guard's attention, but enough to make him freeze and look my way.

I strutted my way over with a million dollar smile on my face. I bashfully slid my hand around Illumi's waist and nicely glared at the man.

"What's happening?♥️" I whispered.

"I'm not quite sure- this man took my pin and started talking out it. However, he really knows his stuff... I'm rather impressed." He whispered back.

If someone as stone hearted as Illumi is impressed, so am I.

"Oh, where are my manners!" The man exclaimed. "I'm Zepile, an Antiques Trader and former Sculptor. Pleased to meet you... Sirs..." He said, holding out a hand.

Quickly noticing his rejection, he fumbled with Illumi's pin and handed it back to him.

"Well it appears we are in the same class. I suppose I'll see you around a lot." He smiled and whistled to his dog. "Come on, Gon!"

He named his dog 'Gon'? How peculiar.


Hisoka X Illumi - Mission Possible [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now