32. I thought you were bae

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Illumi POV:

Me and Chrollo returned to the caravan to find an unhappy, cross-legged, crossed armed Hisoka.

Why does he even bother to act angry? He forgets he's mad in no less than 2 minutes anyway.

"Unbelievable.♠️" He bitterly stated, at first looking at Chrollo, then to me. "You really thought I wouldn't find out you're cheating on me?♠️"

That's rich.

There was a strange silence; Chrollo's stifling laugh and Hisoka's angry foot tapping created a humourous white noise.

"It's true." Chrollo dramatically mumbled.

He created fake tears in his eyes and flamboyantly repeated himself. "It's true. We're having an affair!"

"What!♠️" Hisoka spat, standing up in a ready stance.

Chrollo, in turn, wrapped my arm around his waist and clung to my shoulder. He lifted his chin up to where his lips were dangerously close to making contact with mine.

Hisoka pointed at me. "Illumi how could you!♠️" As he finished his sentence, he clutched his hand and firmly brought it to his heart.

Fucking morons, the both of you.

I pretty sure Hisoka thinks this is real.

"Hisoka... I'm sorry." Chrollo ended, sliding off me and onto a nearby chair.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk to my room, taking the new bag of books in with me.

"Woah, woah, woah, babe.♣️" Hisoka spouted.

I'd just opened the door and gave him a half-concerned, half-tired look.

"We need to talk.♠️" He stated, ushering me into our room. We sat facing eachother on the bed in silence.

I just want to read my book.

"You're not actually cheating on me with Chrollo, right?♥️" He whimpered.

I flicked his forehead. "Idiot." I grunted. "No."

A stupidly real wave of relief washed his expression, he beamed and fell into my lap, tightly squeezing my waist at the same time.

"I don't believe you~♥️" He teased.

Despite him obviously believing me, I consoled him by patting his head.

After a few minutes in this position, it grew uncomfortable. "Ok. Get off. I want to read." I ordered.

He cutely rubbed his face in my stomach, pushing me back a little.

"Keep doing that and I'll fall." I dully said.

He mumbled a plethora of pet names and forcefully pushed further.

Due to the laws of physics, I begin to fall off the bed. But here to contradict those laws, Hisoka's Bungee Gum saved me.

"I'd only ever let you fall for me~♥️" He flirted.

"I told you to stop using your aura so much. You get tired." I concerned.

To my surprise, he dropped his aura and let me fall right on my head.

"Why'd you fall?♥️" He casually asked, curiously peering over me from atop the bed.

I gave him my usual blank stare.

I can't be bothered to counteract.

"Aw you look so cute down there dear~♥️" He cooed.

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