23. Don't bother

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Hisoka POV:

"I don't think you'll need that much stuff for 2 weeks." Illumi stated while he sat on the bed, playing with Mochi and not helping.

I'm packing for the both of us Illu. You're cute but you can be so damn lazy sometimes.

"Better safe than sorry~♥️" I replied, neatly folding the last article of clothing into the suitcase.

I zipped up the main compartment of said suitcase and began to fill a backpack with on-hand essentials.

"Wallet. Where's my wallet?♥️" I asked myself aloud. "There~♥️"

I walked to the bedside table and picked up what I needed. On my way back to the backpack, I felt a pair of panicked arms clutch around my waist.

I flipped around; Illumi had jumped at me. His knees were on the bed while the rest of his body relied on my support.

"Babe?♥️" I asked.

"I saw you liked me touching you earlier so I decided to give it another go..."

I can't-

"As you can see... It didn't go quite to plan." He admitted.

I mischievously chuckled and took a decently large step backwards, leaving him dangling off the bed by only his ankles.

"Hisoka." He warned. "I will cut you."

"I'm fine with that~♦️" I half-joked.

I think we both know I was being more serious than I was joking.

Mochi must've sensed our playfulness, as he began to dart around the bed, jumping and letting out the occasional bark.

Illumi struggled in attempt to calm Mochi down, however only hyped him up even more.

He soon accepted his fate and slid his feet off the bed with a loud crash.

His arms slowly began to loosen around my hips and he sat on the ground, looking up at me.

Our short staring match was interrupted by Mochi jumping onto Illumi's back.

"Mochi, Sit.♣️" I demanded. He sat and I giggled. "He doesn't even need training!♥️"

Illumi nodded and went back to showering the dog with attention. I sat down next to Illumi, making sure I was as close to him as possible.

"We still have 4 hours till we leave, let's take Mochi for a walk." Illumi suggested.

"Alright.♥️" I said as I stood up. "Come put your shoes on.♥️"

On our walk, I was annoying Illumi the whole time; pulling on his hair, touching him inappropriately, giving him kisses whenever we passed other people.

Eventually we ended up in a diagonal position where I was forced to walk a little ahead with Mochi.

"Chrollo?" I heard Illumi mumble. "Why do you have a dog?"

Did Chrollo get other dog? Lord save us if he has.

Chrollo appeared into my view and sure enough- he had a small black puppy on a lead.

Fuck sake, another dog I'm going to have to take care of.

As he looked at me looking at his new dog, he became flustered.

"Fancy seeing my two favourite people here!" He smiled.

I strutted over to Illumi's side with my hand on my hip. "You brought another dog?♠️" I said sarcastically.

"Mhm! It's a girl but I named her Mike, after Illumi's dog."

Mochi and Mike sniffed and observed eachother, creating a small truce.

"She's a 3-month-old pedigree Labrador." Chrollo proudly stated.

Ah so Chrollo gets the nice pure-bred dog and I get left with a mutt from the shelter.

I looked over to Illumi who was sat on the floor, having the time of his life with Mochi and the new puppy.

I wish my boyfriend would stop being so precious in public. It's hard to keep a straight face.

"I was planning to keep her a secret but I guess the DOGs out of the bag now." He giggled.

"Hilarious.♠️" I scoffed.

Chrollo stepped over Illumi and threw his arm over my shoulder. "Come on Hisoka-dude, why are you all upset over a dog?"

"I don't want a dog.♠️" I admitted, feeling myself calm down.

"Should we get rid of them?"

I thought for a moment.


But then I looked over to Illumi.

"No.♥️" I audibly replied.

"Great!" He beamed. "Well, see you in a few!"

And with that, he grabbed Mike and skipped away, probably with a huge grin on his face.

"Illumi let's go home and take a nap.♥️"

"Huh?" He asked, standing up. "A nap? That's a little random."

"We're close to my apartment so let's go.♥️"


Once we arrived, I took my shoes and shirt off and jumped into bed, waiting for my human pillow.

Mochi came running first; he jumped up and took his respective seat at the end of the bed. He was then followed by a shirtless Illumi, whom I couldn't take my eyes off of.

"You look hot~♦️"

"Be quiet." He whispered, cuddling up to me. After a very brief silence, Illumi spoke again. "You've seemed a little angry ever since we adopted Mochi. Are you ok?"

Since I met him, this is the first time he's asked if I'm alright~

"Sorry dear... I just like to plan these kinds of things out beforehand, y'know? It's a little frustrating.♥️"

Illumi completely untensed after hearing me out. "I understand." He said, giving me a genuine smile that could easily cure all disease.

And with that we both fell asleep.


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