26. I'm sensitive Aubrey

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Hisoka POV:

We were let into a hedged-off area of the garden by a different butler.

Very quickly, other dog owners came flooding in; a large variety of dogs in all shapes and sizes following close behind.

"Illumi, look at all the dogs!" I heard Chrollo whisper-shout.

Knowing Illumi, he's probably having an inner-monologue about how he never knew he loved dogs.

"They're so cute!" Chrollo added.

Yeah the dogs are cute... But I'm looking at something cuter...

"Illumi~♥️" I whispered over Chrollo's attempt to make conversation.

"What." I got in return.

"You're cute~♥️"

"Oh I like that one... The tiny white one." Illumi whispered to the other man stood next to him.


Son of a bitch ignored me. That took courage to say.

Ignored me for a dog too. What's so special about it? I could kill it in an instant the stupid mutt.

"Hello Everyone!" The trainer announced with a calm but enthusiastic tone. "As you may know, my name is Squala, and this is my wife, Eliza. Our layout is very simple; Eliza will be caring for the puppies over there whereas I will be training the senior dogs right here. So without wasting anymore time, let's do it!"

The crowd began to split, half of us stayed where we were while the other half walked to Eliza.

Where's Illumi going?

Why's Nobunaga still here?


"Good morning, Hisoka-san!" Nobunaga said. "It seems Boss and your Zoldyck friend are getting pretty close, huh?"

"Zoldyck boyfriend.♠️" I corrected.

Nobunaga chuckled and went to hit my back in a playful manner. But almost immediately decided against it after being exposed to my dangerously negative aura.

"Come on, at least you have Mochi?" He reassured.

Of course I like Mochi... But it seems I only like him when Illumi is around.

I grunted and shifted my attention over to Squala.


The training course was rather fun; Mochi had a great time too. He made friends with the white dog that Illumi liked. However, he also made friends with "Gon", meaning I'll inevitably have to speak to his nut-case of an owner.

Fortunately for me, Zepile and Nobunaga got on really well so I didn't have to deal with either of them at the moment~

In contradiction to my earlier thought; Mochi is a sweetheart. Maybe I do like him without Illumi after all...

I crouched down to Mochi's level "So clever, aren't ya boy~♣️" I mumbled. "Much better than my boyfriend~ Your other daddy is so mean~♥️"

Mochi playfully nodded his head, being rewarded with a smile from me.

See Illumi, even Mochi is upset~

"Talking about daddy, where is he?♥️" I stood up and surveilled the garden; his aura is nearby but where-

"Hey." His voice appeared from behind me.

"Ah!" I yelped. "Christ, Illumi, you really are an assassin.♦️"

"I am?" He sarcastically replied.

I hid my smirk with a pout. "Don't think I've forgotten about you leaving me.♠️" I grumbled.

"I'm independent."

"But I'm not! I want you~ With me~♥️" I complained, pulling his hand to my lips.

He was about to say something but cut himself off with a new thought. "Why is the guy from earlier holding Mochi."

I quickly spun around to see Zepile carrying Mochi like a baby.

"What the fuck?♥️" I stifled.

We both stared at Zepile with equal confusion for a little before Mochi was let back down the the ground.

Illumi cleared his throat. "Anyway let's go to the refreshments table, apparently they have Bungee Gum. I know you've been looking for that brand for a while now."

No way. I've been looking for Bungee Gum for years. I thought they stopped selling it.

"Alright.♥️" I said, trying to hide my excitement for my favourite gum.

Illumi cutely nudged my hand, asking for permission to hold it and once he got the green light, he confidently held it.

I love the feeling of my face blushing~


Sure enough, on the refreshments table, there was a box of Bungee Gum packets.

I put a 'small few' of the Bungee Gum packs into my bag. Alongside 2 strips into my mouth.

"It's Bungee Gum alright.♦️" I muffled while chewing the sweet.

Ah, this is refreshing, indeed.

Illumi took a single piece of gum from my hand and gracefully popped it into his mouth.

He nicely chewed it, nodding in approval.

"What about you, honey? You don't eat much so I wonder if you even have a favourite snack.♥️"

Illumi looked around the large assortments of finger food.

First he picked up a toy robot labelled "ChocoRobo-kun chocolate balls".

"This is Killu's favourite. I eat it often."

He then, walked to a nicely prepared bowl of crisps and pointed. "Milluki's favourite... Uh, I'm not a fan personally."

"And these." He finally took his last stop at some cucumber sandwiches. "Kalluto's favourite." He said, contemplating taking one.

"Yes... But what about you?♥️" I giggled.

"Coffee?" He stated, as if it was obvious.

The only response I could give was a chuckling hug.

"You're cute~♥️" I repeated myself from earlier.

"You too." He responded.

That was worth the wait~


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