24. We're going on a trip

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Chrollo POV:

I had rented a small bus to transport us all to Nostrade's Mansion; half a dozen of my spiders were joining me and had already taken their seats at the back of the bus. We were just waiting on Hisoka and Illumi to arrive.

I stood at the front of the seats and clapped my hands to get everyone's attention. "I'm so glad so many of you could make it, it's been a while since we've done something like this! I'm so excited!" I announced, leaving an opportunity for someone to speak up.

"So. Let's get this clear then." Franklin stated. "We have to wait two weeks to make our move, correct?"

I nodded and ushered him to continue talking. "We get the goods and immediately leave via this bus. What about Hisoka and Illumi?"

"Yeah, didn't you say you don't want them finding out, Boss?" Phinks added.

My nerves grew as I felt the couple's auras slowly creep towards us. "Hm... I suppose we have 2 weeks to properly think about it. But let's stop talking about it for now." I chuckled.

On cue, Hisoka, Illumi and Mochi stepped onto the bus. "Good afternoon~♦️" Hisoka said in greetings to the Troupe.

As expected, nobody replied.

"Nice to see you guys again! I'll be driving first so I'm entrusting Mike to you guys." I said, signalling to the sleeping puppy.

"Okay~♥️" He replied. Hisoka guided Illumi by the hand to the window seat. They both sat and began their quiet conversation.

I did another quick glance around the bus. After ensuring everyone was on board and strapped in; I started the engine.

The area was almost silent, a select few were playing energetic games but keeping the noise level down low.

The quietness allowed me to evaluate the situation:

After seeing Hisoka and Illumi's faces, I do feel a little bad.

We, the Phantom Troupe, are planning to steal from the mansion. Everybody in this business knows that Light Nostrade's daughter loves expensive bits and pieces and this is where most her belongings are kept.

How can we call ourselves the most wanted gang of thieves if we let an opportunity like this slide?

We even have a layout of the estate; it would be a waste to travel this far and not use the blueprint.

However, I've made the executive decision to not let Hisoka and Illumi in on the situation. Of course I would trust them not to expose our plan, but part of me just wants them to focus on and have fun with the dog training.

And Hisoka would likely get a little angry if he found out; he gets a little passionate about things nowadays.


Time had passed so quickly that before I knew it- I'd been driving for 6 hours. Only a third of the way there. The plan was to swap driving with Phinks after 5 hours. It seems I drove an extra hour but it all works out. I pulled over in a conveniently placed rest-stop car park and stretched my legs from the driver's seat.

"Alright everyone- we won't be stopping for another 4 hours after this, so be sure to move about a little. It's darker than expected so, no less than groups of 2, ok?" I said with tired enthusiasm. "Let's meet back here in 30 minutes."

And with that, everyone filed from the back of the bus; some went to the food court, some to the bathroom and others went on a much needed walk.

Hisoka and Illumi often had small outbursts of sickening romance. They don't do it in front of others but occasionally I see them being outwardly lovey-dovey.

It really does make me laugh. When I first met Hisoka and Illumi, I would never have expected them to act like this. I mean, Hisoka was always quite touchy with Illumi but now- I don't know how Illumi puts up with it.

I decided to leave the pair alone,
Mike and I decided to join Franklin and Shizuku in the food courts.

We talked about their plans for the 2 weeks; apparently there was a big market nearby so all my traveling members wanted to check it out.


30 minutes was up and fortunately everyone made it back in one piece; Phinks was driving this time so I took them opportunity to sleep.


Almost sleep.

I made the mistake of sitting behind Hisoka and Illumi while they were in their newly-wed phase.

Hearing Hisoka call anyone "Pudding~♥️" Is something that will haunt me for a long while.

It truly took all my willpower not to burst with laughter at Hisoka's shitty flirting.

I wonder if Illumi actually likes this stuff?


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