10. Tell me about it

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Hisoka POV:

"ROCK... PAPER..."

Gon began to power up his attack, I could feel his aura growing stronger and stronger by the second.

"SCISSORS!" He screamed as he attempted to punch my stomach.

I wanted to feel his ever growing strength hit me- I decided not to dodge the attack but to catch it with a layer of my Bungee Gum.

With the properties of rubber and gum, nothing can beat my aura.

His attack had no effect on me. He jumped away and began brainstorming a plan.

I, however, hadn't moved an inch, I wasnt tired but my body was hot and sweaty. My lips were slightly parted, taking in deep breaths. My body tingled in places that only people as powerful as Gon could make tingle.

Gon started to become irritated and restless, making intense eye contact.


Don't look at me like that.♦️

It's REALLY turning me on~♦️

"Hisoka, what do you want!" He demanded. "Why are you here!"

"Isn't it obvious? I've come to fight you~♦️" I replied cooly.

Gon wasn't convinced, "Why now?"

"Why not~ It's now or never~♦️"

The determination in Gon's eyes never left, although he knew he couldn't win. Despite this, he relaxed and sat down.

"So you'll leave if I don't fight you?" He joked, playfully grinning.

He response caught me off guard. "Well... I'll just make you fight me~♦️"

"You can do that!?" Gon jumped up, getting excited. "How!" He asked.

Using the Bungee Gum I attached to him earlier, I lifted his arm up.

"Woah!" He exclaimed, he turned on his Gyo and stared at his arm in awe. "That's so-"

"Gon!" Killua shouted right before he and Alluka appeared in between us. "Gon, stay away from this man, he's dangerous." Killua warned, glaring at me.

Good for nothing brat-

I stared back, smiling. "Gon here and I were just talking about my Bungee Gum~♠️"

In the distance, Illumi trudged his way towards us.

At least TRY to look apologetic Illumi, you cut my time with Gon short.

"I see the two of you have improved quite a lot." He commented to Gon and Killua.

"Yeah! Killua is teaching-" Gon started, but was cut off by Killua's panicked hand over his mouth.

"Gon don't tell them! Go take Alluka inside. I'll deal with these two." Killua fretted.



"Gon-kun! Let's go bake a cake!" Alluka requested.

"Okay..." Gon began to slump into the house, clearly upset about not being able to learn about my aura.

Once they were inside, Killua turned to Illumi. "Brother, please can you and this creep leave."

I'm not a creep you sly little-

"Can't I visit my beloved brothers once in a while?" Illumi calmly responded.

"Must you bring this... This clown?" Killua said as he looked me up and down.

I'm a magician, not a clown.

"He wanted to see his Gon."

"Well he's seen Gon now, so bugger off." Killua ended the conversation and walked back into the house.

Out of spite, I slightly tripped him over on his way back, earning me a spark of electricity shot at me.

Illumi turned to face me. "Sorry."

"Should be.♠️" I fake complained. "Hey, you wanna mess with them?♦️"

"How?" Illumi asked, he tried to hide it but I could tell he was intrigued.

"Hm~ Actually, let's wait for Chrollo to finish first.♦️"


Me and Illumi waited in the area we last saw Chrollo. After a very short wait, he arrived.

"Oh? That was quite a short fight?♥️" I mentioned.

"We had to flee." Chrollo chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "It's kinda embarrassing... I can get into detail over lunch, ok?"



The three of us grabbed some food at a sandwich shop. There were some table and chairs outside so we sat and talked.

"Then Illumi's brat of a brother, called me a clown and left!♠️" I explained, as I said that, Illumi subtly kicked my leg for insulting his sibling. I hurriedly changed the topic; "So~ That's where you come in. We want to mess with them."

Chrollo laughed at my statement. "Only you would do that!" He giggled. "I'm in, what are you planning to do?"


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