10: Prophecy

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Clothes. Food. Water. Krishnaa was preparing for their little trip to Panchal. This was her first time actually traveling somewhere and she would be lying if she claims that she isn't even mildly excited.

"What are you doing, Krishnaa?", her brother asked, entering her room.
"Bhrata Drisht-",
"I came to call you for dinner", he replied. "What are you packing. Are you going somewhere?"

Krishnaa felt guilty. She realized that she hadn't told her brother yet. She hadn't even asked him if he could manage for a few days.
"Uh Bhrata.....I am actually going.......to Panchal..", she mumbled.
"To Panchal!", her brother exclaimed. "Why? What is the need to go to that place? Mata and Pita went through so much to get out of there and you want to go back in?"

Krishnaa sighed. "Bhrata, listen. Indraprasth is in danger and it has something to do with what happened in Panchal. There is some connection between the two. Parth........he overheard that conversation and he is going to go to Panchal. I can't let him go alone."

Drishtdyumn calmed down, listening to her. He understood her habit of helping people. He didn't always agree with it, but he has to let her be independent.

"Alright", he said. "If you are going to help Indraprasth, then I am fine with it. And since you won't be alone, you can go."

Krishnaa felt a bit relieved.
"But what about you?", she remembered, now feeling guilty. How will her brother manage? What if he feels unwell, what if he needs something? Who will help him?
Her brother smiled. "Don't worry about me. I will be fine. I can surely manage for some days."

Drishtdyumn was glad that she is actually doing something good with such determination, he didn't want to be the one to hold her back.

"But you, however need to be extremely careful. Don't leave Parth's side, stay with him, don't wander off anywhere alone and don't impulsively do something", he instructed.

Krishnaa nodded at him, obediently. "Thank you", she said softly. "For letting me go."
"No need to thank me. You are going for a good cause. I am proud of you", he said, smiling at her. "Now hurry up and pack your things. Then come down for dinner as well."

Krishnaa smiled and hugged him.


Arjun was examining a map when Krishnaa came. He smiled and embraced her.
"What are you doing?", she asked. Arjun showed her the map. "This is the map of Panchal. Atleast it was. It's an old one."
She took the map from him and studied it carefully. Panchal was a vast kingdom. So many villages, streets and landmarks.

"The whole kingdom destroyed. Because of the prophecy", Arjun absentmindedly commented.
"What prophecy?", she asked, he mentioned it, the previous day, but she hadn't asked.
"You don't know?", he was surprised. "But you are from Panchal right. And it is also a famous legend."

Krishnaa shook her head. "My parents didn't talk much about it. It had been a very sensitive topic for them."
"I understand", he said. "It must have been hard for them. To relive those days again."
"There was once a prophecy made that once darkness will prevail in Aryavrat and a girl born in the royal family of Panchal would be the one to end all evil."

Arjun paused. "Maharaj Drupad had performed a yagya for prosperity of Panchal. From that yagya, a baby was born. The rajkumari. It was then, that the prophecy was made."

"How can anyone be born from the fire?", Krishnaa said in disbelief.
"That's why it is a myth. A lot people don't believe it."
"But whoever the master is, does believe it", Krishnaa commented.
Arjun nodded.
"What about the people of Panchal? Do they believe it?", Krishnaa wondered.
"People trapped in Panchal don't have much contact with the outside world."

"What happened next?"
"Maharaj Drupad's brother, Ratan attacked Panchal with the help of an external force. They enslaved the people and killed the royal family. But they never found the rajkumari."

"It is said that she somehow escaped. She is still there somewhere. The daughter of the yagya. The only hope of Panchal. And when she emerges and takes her rightful place as the queen, all evil will be destroyed and Aryavrat will flourish under her rule."

He turned around to face Krishnaa, who was staring at him in amazement.
"Really?", she whispered. Arjun nodded.
"There are some missing secrets of the prophecy which no one knows about. But I soon will. I will find the truth. "

"No", she corrected. "WE will find the truth."
Arjun smiled and held his hand out to her. "Together?"
Krishnaa placed her hand in his.


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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now