48: Torn Hearts

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Kanha smiled at his sakhi

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Kanha smiled at his sakhi. "I know you will", he encouraged her. She smiled back at him.
"Will you come with me?", she asked.
Kanha's smile faded. "I can't sakhi", he said softly. "This is your quest, something you have to do on your own."
Krishnaa nodded, understanding him.

"But you will be there for me right?", she asked nervously. "If I need you?"
Kanha smiled again but this time, she noticed his moist eyes.
"Ofcourse", he reassured her. "I will always be there for my sakhi. Anytime you need me."

Krishnaa was grateful to have a friend like him. She gave him one last tight hug. "Thank you, Kanha", she whispered to him. "Thank you so much for helping me."
"What are you thanking me for?", he asked, faking confusion. "I didn't do anything. It was you who answered your own questions."

Krishnaa rolled her eyes at him. "Pretending to be innocent as always", she mumbled.
"Now go and prepare yourself", he advised. "You have a difficult task ahead of you."
Krishnaa nodded. "When will you come to meet me again?"
"Sooner than you think sakhi."


Krishnaa was pacing in the palace gardens. She was waiting for Parth. He had been upset with her this morning, but she knew that the right thing to do was to tell him.
She had promised him to not keep anything from him and she must stand by her words.

But she had no idea what Parth's reaction would be. She had no idea as to whether his anger had reduced or not.
She stopped pacing when she heard footsteps coming towards her. She looked up to see Parth approaching her, looking as numb as ever.

"What is it?", his voice was emotionless.
Krishnaa bit her lip nervously. This is not going to be an easy task at all. She took a deep breath.
"Parth", she said, calmly. "Look at this."
She handed over the map to him. He took the parchment and stared at it.

"What is this?", he asked monotonously. "The parchment we found  in Ratan's library", Krishnaa answered, ignoring the tone of his voice.
"And you are showing this to me because......?"

"Read what's behind it", she instructed. Parth read it carefully and looked up at her in confusion.
"It is Yagyaseni's crown", she explained. "Whoever this enemy is, wants this crown."
Krishnaa paused and looked at Parth who signalled her to continue.

"The map", she said, taking it from him. "It is the map of the maze where the crown is. It is a dangerous place, one from where no one has returned."
"The master wants this crown so that he can be the most powerful man in Aryavrat. If we go there and get the crown before him and keep it safe, we can protect not only Indraprasth but also the entire Aryavrat", she finished.

Parth frowned, visibly annoyed.
"Here we are, not being able to manage Indraprasth, and you are thinking about Aryavrat?", Parth asked her, incredulously. "I honestly can't believe this."
Krishnaa felt hurt. "Parth....why are you talking like this? Don't you realize that this is our only chance to save Indraprasth?"
"No", he firmly stated. "A kingdom needs it's Maharaj and Maharani. Nothing else will help Indraprasth."
"No Krishnaa", Parth interrupted. "My Mata-Pita are missing. Indraprasth has internal crisis......I just can't drop everything and come with you."
Krishnaa opened her mouth to reply to him, but he didn't let her.

"Not having Mata-Pita around, not knowing where and how they are, is really stressful. You won't understand", he commented.
"I don't understand?!", Krishnaa
repeated, trying to sound as calm as possible, even though his words made her blood boil.
"Parth", she said, taking a deep breath. "I saw my Mata-Pita being killed in front of my eyes when I was twelve and there was nothing I could do".

"I know what it is to live without parents", she continued. "I know what it is like to feel helpless, to feel alone. That's why we should go and find the crown. If Aryavrat is safe, Indraprasth will be as well. Your parents are my parents as well. I too, care about them."

Parth didn't reply. He had really began to test Krishnaa's patience.
"Parth", she spoke with a tone of finality. "I am going. Are you coming or not?"
She looked at him hopefully.
Parth shook his head.

Tears formed in Krishnaa's eyes. She felt hurt. She was really hoping that he would understand her, support her, be there for her.
But he wasn't. He doesn't seem to trust her or believe in her anymore.

She held Parth's hand, staring deep into his eyes, begging him to not give up on her like this.
But Parth did not give her a second glance as he turned around and walked away, his hand slipping out of hers.

But Parth did not give her a second glance as he turned around and walked away, his hand slipping out of hers

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now