34: Success And Failure

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Arjun was back in the courtroom of Malva, facing Maharaj Chetan as his ministers were looking at him, curious to hear what their king had to say

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Arjun was back in the courtroom of Malva, facing Maharaj Chetan as his ministers were looking at him, curious to hear what their king had to say.

However, this time Chetan wasn't scrutinizing Arjun or talking him down, rather had a grateful look in his eyes.

"Rajkumar Arjun, you are indeed a noble man", Chetan spoke after a long pause, breaking the silence. "Most people won't help a kingdom who rejected an alliance".
Arjun sighed in relief at his words.

"No need to thank me, Maharaj. I only did my duty. A lot of innocent lives were at stake because of a war which could be prevented. I can't abandon people who are in need".
Chetan was satisfied as well as impressed with the answer.
"What you did is still very honorable. I want to reward you for that. Ask me for anything", he offered.
"Maharaj, I am a rajkumar. And I don't believe in being rewarded for doing my duty", Arjun replied.

"I still insist. If not as a reward, then atleast as a token of appreciation", Chetan said. He is definitely very stubborn. Arjun thought for a while, whether or not to accept a reward. He didn't want to, but Maharaj was hell bent upon it. He made up his mind.

"Maharaj, there is nothing that I need for myself. But if you are so keen on rewarding me, then fulfill the purpose of my arrival here. I have spent weeks away from home and I don't want my time and efforts to go in vain", Arjun stated.

Chetan looked a bit stunned. "But the marriage......"
"Maharaj, it is my humble request. Please try and understand. I can't marry you daughter", Arjun stated, firmly.

Chetan paused.
"Very well. Indraprasth has shown it's capability today. Rejecting this proposal for any reason, would be foolishness on our behalf. Malva accepts alliance with it's neighboring kingdom, Indraprasth ", he declared.

Chetan prepared a letter to Indraprasth, stating Malva's acceptance to the alliance and put the royal stamp on it, before handing it over to Arjun, who felt relieved. He had succeeded after all.


Arjun entered his palace. He felt much better, coming home after such a long time. He walked straight to his pitashree's chambers. He was eager to meet him.

"Arjun", Kunti gasped, seeing him. She rushed over to him and caressed his face. "I have been so worried about you. Are you fine? Are you hurt by any chance?", she asked.

"Mata", Arjun said softly, placing his hands on his mother's shoulders. "You don't need to worry about me. I am completely fine", he reassured her.

He then turned to face his father. "Pitashree", he mumbled and went to him. "I did it. Malva accepted the alliance."
Saying this he placed the letter in his father's hands.

Pandu smiled at his son, proudly. "This is good news, putr. You succeeded in your first attempt. This calls for celebration."
Arjun smiled. "Yes pitashree. But where are my brothers?"
"They are in their rooms."
"And is Krishnaa here right now? I want to tell her everything."

Kunti sighed. "She has been at the temple the whole day, praying for you. I sent putr Drisht to go and get her. But he said that she refused to go home. She hasn't even eaten anything since morning."
"Since morning?", Arjun was worried. Not eating anything for an entire day is bad for her health.

"Yes. So first, go to the temple and meet her. I have prepared some kheer. Take that and make sure she finishes it", Kunti instructed.
Arjun nodded and left to meet Krishnaa.


Gandhar Raj Shakuni was frustrated. When he found out about Indraprasth wanting to form an alliance with Malva, he had prepared to attack the latter kingdom. He wanted to weaken Indraprasth and the easiest way was to first destroy it's allies. One by one.

It was like a game of chess. Kill the pawns before getting to the king. And he had hoped to start that with Malva. An unexpected attack. And the one which would leave the entire Aryavrat shaken. Like the way his attack on Panchal had.

He was starting to get impatient. He has wanted to rule Aryavrat since forever and has been working towards it tirelessly for the past twenty years. In the past few months, he felt as though his dreams were finally going to be fulfilled. He had begun to see a ray of hope.

But everything came crashing down. Yagyaseni alive and roaming around freely was already a matter of concern as it is. And now Arjun as well.

Arjun. If it weren't for him, his plan would have succeeded. But now?

No. He cannot let this happen. He won't. Now he has to do something big. Something which neither Yagyaseni nor Arjun can prevent. Something that would destroy both of them.

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