28: The Face Of Evil

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Duryodhan stepped into his palace at Hastinapur

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Duryodhan stepped into his palace at Hastinapur. He was expected to greet his parents first but there was someone else who he was eager to meet. The Yuraj rushed to his mama's mansion.

"Mamashree!", he called, excited to share the news.
"What is it, my child?", his mama, Gandharaj Shakuni asked.
"Mamashree you won't believe what happened today. "
"And what may that be? Did you meet Maharaj Pandu? Did you inspect Indraprasth properly? Have our instructions been followed?", Shakuni ranted.

"Yes", Duryodhan sounded uninterested. "But I have something better".
"And what is it?", Shakuni asked, wondering what would be better than their plan proceeding.
"You won't believe it. I found her".
Shakuni's eyes widened. "Are you talking about-"
"Yes", Duryodhan interrupted him. "Yagyaseni has been found. She is residing in Indraprasth."
Shakuni looked pleased. The woman he had been searching for, for years has been found. And that too in Indraprasth, the kingdom that they want to conquer. That's hitting two birds with one stone.

"That is a great news, my child. You have made your mama proud today. Did you find out anything about her. Her family or where in Indraprasth does she live?", Shakuni asked.
"Yes", his nephew replied. "And that is the interesting part. Yagyaseni also happens to be Krishnaa, the woman our brother Arjun is to marry."

Shakuni's happiness knew no bounds. This is a good news indeed. It just made his work easier. Now he could use Arjun, the most valiant warrior and Yagyaseni against each other. His dream to rule Aryavrat was coming closer.

"My child", Shakuni said. "Send more spies to Indraprasth, and write a letter to our man there. The plan needs major development."


Karn was in his study at Ang Pradesh. He couldn't stop thinking about Malini. He wanted her at any cost. And now since she was Arjun's to be bride, he wanted her more.

Arjun was not his concern. Shakuni would handle him. His point of concern was Malini. What was the plan? What was her part in it? He trusted his friend when he was promised that he would get her eventually. But Shakuni controls the reins. If he had a different plan, that one would prevail.

He had heard that there were changes but he wasn't aware of them. Even Duryodhan was kept in the dark. Shakuni was a clever man. He never placed his eggs in one basket. No one but him, was aware of what he was truly upto.

He was master at weaving traps. Whether they were of words or otherwise. It was close to impossible to get any information from him.

Karn was in dilemma. On one side were his desires. His lust for a certain fire born. On the other side, his loyal friends instructions. A tough choice to make, but he chose Duryodhan. He believed, he would get Yagyaseni eventually. His desires for her were new. But Duryodhan has been dreaming of having Aryavrat under his control for years.

He had to let Shakuni have his way.


Arjun was restless. The events of that day replaying in his mind. He was worried for Krishnaa. Neither Duryodhan nor Karn had met her, but he couldn't be so sure. He couldn't let his guard down.

He had a sudden urge to meet her. To see her. Make sure she is safe and that she didn't meet his cousins.

He got out of bed, dressing himself in black clothes in order to blend in with the darkness, before he left his palace and went out on the lonely streets of Indraprasth to see Krishnaa.

He maybe mad, for going like this in the middle of the night, without a second thought, all because of his paranoia, but he didn't care. Nothing mattered to him. His sixth sense was seldom wrong and he trusted it this time as well.

He couldn't ignore the unknown fear that had settled in his heart. Especially when it was about Krishnaa. Maybe he is overreacting. After all she is no child. She looked after herself and her brother for eight years.

But the look on Karn's face at Panchal and the expression on Ratan's when if first saw her was more than enough for him to go. Even if she is safe in Indraprasth, no longer in the undefended colony, he has to check on her.

 Even if she is safe in Indraprasth, no longer in the undefended colony, he has to check on her

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