47: The Map

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"Kanha!", Krishnaa exclaimed and embraced him

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"Kanha!", Krishnaa exclaimed and embraced him. She buried her head in the crook of his neck and sobbed.
She desperately needed someone, she needed comfort, a shoulder to cry on.

Kanha held her in his arms as she sobbed and patted her back.
"Kanha", she whispered, her voice trembling. "What are you doing here?"
Kanha gave her a sympathetic smile.
"My sakhi needs me", he whispered, making her smile. "I had to come."

"Mata...Kunti and Pitashree Pandu.......they have gone missing", she said in between sobs.
"I know", he said, softly.
"And Parth", she continued. "He......he thinks that he couldn't protect his parents because of me."

Kanha's eyes darkened. "Shhh", he calmed her down. "He doesn't mean that. Don't take his words to heart."
"I know", she agreed. "But it still hurts".
Krishnaa continued to cry, her face glistening with tears. Kanha sat beside her, gently running his hand over her head.

"Kanha", she spoke once she calmed down a bit. "What is going to happen now? Indraprasth is in trouble, Aryavrat will soon be as well. And no one knows how to stop this. No one knows who that enemy is. How do we protect Aryavrat? Please tell me."

Kanha smiled at her. That smile washed away all her worries and gave her hope.
"Sakhi", he said. "What am I supposed to tell you? You do have the answer to all your questions."

Krishnaa looked up at him with confusion. "What do you mean, Kanha?", she asked. "How do I have the answer? Please don't answer in riddles, I want to a clear reply."
Kanha continued to smile. "You can answer your own questions sakhi", he replied. "Just think, what did you and Parth do when you first found out about the prophecy?"

"We went to Panchal", she replied, still unable to understand what Kanha was trying to tell her.
"And why did you go there?", he continued to question.
"To get answers", she said. "To know if the prophecy is true or not."
"And is it?", Kanha asked with his eyes closed, a small smile appeared on his lips.

"Yes", Krishnaa replied with confidence.
"And how to you know?", Krishnaa frowned at that question.
"What did you find there?", he clarified.

Krishnaa closed her eyes and thought. Her mind went back to Panchal, the events kept playing in her mind.

Her eyes flew open and she stared at her sakha in shock. Without another word, she ran to her room, threw open her trunk and started digging into it.
She pulled out the torn piece of parchment paper which she found in Ratan's library.
She ran down to where Kanha was sitting.

"I.....I had found.....this", she was panting.
Kanha smiled and patted the spot beside him, indicating her to sit.
"This map.....it's too confusing", she stated. "I tried to decipher it but, I couldn't......I gave up eventually. "
"Sakhi", Kanha spoke, a knowing look in his eyes. "You were so bothered with the map, that you ignored what is written behind."

Krishnaa narrowed her eyes and flipped the parchment to find something written in a very small handwriting.

The Divine Crown is forged by Agni Dev, on the day Yagyaseni was born. This crown contains the power of Mata Adi Shakti, the Primordial Mother.

This crown, is the most powerful weapon to ever exist. Anyone who possses it, will attain immense power.

If found in the wrong hands, the crown will be the cause of destruction of Aryavrat.

May the one who deserves it, find it.

Krishnaa looked up at Kanha in fascination and confusion.
"Whoever the enemy is, wants this crown?", she asked.
"Yes", Kanha answered. "But it isn't easy. The crown is meant for Yagyaseni. They want it though, and they may even get it."

Krishnaa was tensed. She flipped the paper again and stared at the map.
Neelkanth Parvat, it said.
"Kanha, what is this?", she asked.
"The map to where the crown is", he replied. "After Panchal was attacked, the crown was hidden away in this maze."

"But this map.....I can't understand it", she was frustrated.
"That is because it is incomplete, sakhi".
"Yes", he said. "This maze is a very dangerous place. Many brave soldiers and warriors have ventured it, to search for the crown."

"Hardly anyone returned", he said after a pause. "And those who did, returned half way through."
"What is in the maze?", Krishnaa asked curiously.
"Obstacles", was the reply. "The maze has several entrances and even more obstacles. It is dangerous, well designed to keep people away."

"But if it is so dangerous, how will the enemy reach the crown?"
"Asur", he said. "They can always get the help of asurs to destroy the obstacles."
There was a long pause. If they got the crown, then everything would be over. The entire Aryavrat will become like Panchal.
No. This can't happen. The crown belongs to Yagyaseni. Only she is the worthy possessor. But.......

"We have to stop them", she spoke in a determined voice. "The crown belongs to Yagyaseni, but no one knows where she is. And if the enemy gets it...........no. The crown must be kept away from them until Yagyaseni comes".

"I will go in the maze", she declared. "I will find the crown and keep it safe."


So......we are soon reaching the climax of the book.

we are soon reaching the climax of the book

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now