27: Connecting The Dots

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Arjun returned from training feeling energized

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Arjun returned from training feeling energized. He freshened up, before going toward the dining room for dinner. His parents were talking, but his brothers were silent, a serious expression on their faces. "Arjun", his Mata started. "How was training?"
"Good", he replied. "I had to be a little strict and rigid, but the new soldiers are getting better".

"That's good to hear", his Pita was pleased. "By the way how was it, meeting Duryodhan, Dushasan and Karn?"
Arjun stiffened at the sound of their names. He looked at his brothers and they nodded. "They were here?", he asked.
"Yes", Kunti replied. "They said that they came here to meet you and Krishnaa to congratulate you on your wedding".

They had only let Hastinapur know about the wedding, since they were family, but it was still quite unusual. "And they came without informing?", Arjun asked, suspecting something wrong.
"Arjun! They are your cousins. Our family. They can come any time they want, you shouldn't be rude about it ", Kunti scolded. "Anyways, they already left".

"Left already, but they didn't meet me", Arjun said. It was certainly strange. They left without meeting him when they had come to congratulate him and Krishnaa..........Krishnaa?

He recalled the incident at Panchal. Karn's lustful gaze on her. He gripped the spoon tightly. "Did they meet Krishnaa? Was she at the palace?", he asked with urgency. Kunti gave him a curious look before answering. "I don't know. She wasn't with us when they arrived. I don't know if she came to the palace today or met them." Arjun nodded and continued eating.

That night, he lay awake in his bed. What was the purpose of their visit? Was it really to meet him or something else? He remembered their presence in Panchal. First they were there and now......
'Could they have any part in this conspiracy?'
He immediately discarded the thought. It was true that they were problematic but would they really be behind all this? They weren't that powerful or sly enough to do this. As for working with someone else.......Karn was the king of Ang Pradesh. And as for Duryodhan, he was the Yuraj of Hastinapur.

Neither of them seemed to have a purpose for any of this. It was true that he and his brothers didn't get along with their cousins, but there no rivalry or enmity between them.

Whatever the purpose of arriving here would be, he wouldn't let any of them meet Krishnaa. Now or after their marriage. He wouldn't let them touch her, physically or otherwise. It was his duty to keep her safe and he would. At any cost.


Earlier that day

Krishnaa was picking flowers for the temple. She was engrossed in selecting the fresh flowers when a noticed a shadow of a man overlapping hers. She looked back to see a man, tall with shoulder length hair and a beard looking at her with an intensity that made her uncomfortable. She gave him an awkward smile.

"Devi", the man spoke. "My friends and I are merchants who have come from a faraway place. But we aren't able to find the markets. Will you please help us?" She saw two other men. One was broad and other a bit skinny.
Krishnaa nodded. She walked ahead towards the market with the three men behind her, talking in hushed voices. She got strange vibes from them. They were behaving suspicious. Once in a while, she felt their gaze on her and she had a sudden urge to dissapear.

They reached the market area and the traders found an empty spot to set up their shop. She was about to leave, without letting any of them know, when she heard her name.

"Krishnaa!", her brother called. "Krishnaa, what are you doing here? I thought you went to the temple, that's why I came to the market. "
"No Bhrata. I was about to go to the temple, but these three traders were lost, so I just showed them the market", she said pointing towards them.

The tall man approached them. She saw an unknown glint in their eyes. "Thank you", he said. "We would set up our shop here, but right now we are hungry and tired. Do you happen to know any rest houses around here?"

Krishnaa mentally groaned. She was about to give them directions, but her brother spoke first , "the guest houses are far. We live close by. Why don't you come to our place instead".
Krishnaa was hoping that they would refuse, but unfortunately for her, they accepted the offer.

She faked a smile as they led them to her house. They looked around as if they were officers inspecting her house. She went to the kitchen to quickly prepare something, so they can eat and leave as soon as possible. She served them daal chaval and they left after eating. It was strange.

She turned around and saw the same tall man look at her in a manner that sent chills down her spine.

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now