41: Understanding Each Other

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Arjun's brothers tried asking him what was wrong, but he was in no mood to answer, as he stormed past them and went to his room

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Arjun's brothers tried asking him what was wrong, but he was in no mood to answer, as he stormed past them and went to his room. He sat on the swing, in his balcony, fuming.
He couldn't help but feel hurt. If she wasn't comfortable with him, didn't trust him, what was the point of even being together.

She undoubtedly loves him, he knows that. But marriage is not just about love. It is about trust and respect, and he felt as if he isn't getting that from her.
'Does she really feel I would think ill of her if she asked for help?', he thought. 'Is that the faith she has in me?'

He groaned. He felt frustrated and annoyed. He was glad that Krishnaa just left, otherwise he might have taken all the anger out on her.
He felt helpless. He hated feeling helpless, especially when it comes to Krishnaa. He never wanted a hair on her head to be harmed, but here she was, hiding all her pain from him.

He closed his hazel eyes and took some deep breaths to calm himself down. He couldn't lose his composure and snap, even though it was tempting. He lay down on the huge swing, burying his face in the soft cushions.

His mind automatically went to her. He wondered how it was to be in her place. He tried to picture whatever Drisht had described to him. A younger Krishnaa crying over her parents bodies. Waking up, in the middle of the night, screaming. He imagined her frail body, malnourished and starved.

A blooming flower, withering under the harsh sun. A loosely hanging leaf, trembling in the mist of a mighty storm. It was difficult to even imagine. He wouldn't wish this on anyone.

He thought about the argument that they just had. He was a bit harsh. Accusing her of not trusting him enough. But he failed to think about her. Why would anyone like to reminisce such traumatizing incidents, especially when happiness is knocking at your door.

He started to understand. She just wanted to forget those dark days of her life. And who could blame her?
He was upset at not being told about her past, but failed to see that she was finally moving on. Thinking about herself and her happiness for once. And he was the reason for her happiness. What more could he want?

Yes, he wanted to know the truth, Krishnaa should have told him. But when Drishtdyumn told him, he should have handled it more calmly. He should have spoken to Krishnaa nicely, instead of being upset. He should have tried to hear her reason. But instead, he yelled at her.

He remembered Krishnaa's words, questioning him. If their places were switched, would he tell her?
No. He wouldn't. Not when that phase was passed, and knowing that she would unnecessarily worry.

He sighed. His anger had clouded his mind. He didn't think of her. He now felt a little guilty.

He needs to talk to her again, calmly this time. He needs to say that he is sorry and that he understands her.

He was tempted to go at this moment, however exhaustion overtook him and he immediately fell asleep.


"Krishnaa", Drishtdyumn called, entering her room. "Krish.....what are you doing?", he asked as he saw her sitting on the floor, visibly tensed.
Krishnaa, who had her knees pulled against herself as she buried her face in her hands, looked up.

"Bhrata", she spoke calmly. "Did you tell anything to Parth anything? About our childhood?"
Drishtdyumn sighed, understanding where this conversation was leading.
"Yes, I did Krishnaa", he answered.
"Why?", she asked in a broken voice.
"Because he deserves to know".
"But what was the need to? Things are better now."
"They are", he agreed. "But as your to be husband, it is natural for him to want to know. It is his right. To know about your past."

"But now he is angry with me", Krishnaa complained.
"He will be. But that is because he loves you so much", Drishtdyumn explained. "Now, just think about it".

Drishtdyumn left her room, leaving Krishnaa with her own thoughts. She pondered over his words. It is true. Parth would want to know. It was indeed, his right.

His words may have been a little harsh, but it was his concern for her that mattered. He was angry because he cared. She herself wouldn't have wanted him to stay calm, if something like this was to occur again. Then how can she expect him to be calm just because it happened in her past.

If she was in his place, she too, wouldn't have wanted Parth to be keep her in the dark. She herself wanted to know everything about him. His happiness, his sadness. What gives him joy. What infuriates him.
And she can't expect anything different from him.

He was so worried about her and she was busy thinking that he was doubting her capability.
She mentally slapped herself. She needs to meet him and ask him for his forgiveness.

She wanted to go to the palace that very moment, but it was too dark outside. It was late and he would be asleep.
She wanted to give him some space to clear his mind and calm down before she went to him.

She sighed and laid down on her bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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