31: Letters Of Love

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A letter

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A letter. Krishnaa smiled. It has been two weeks and she missed him. They had never gone this long without even seeing each other. She had spent her free time praying for news of his arrival, but there had been none. She had felt disheartened, but the letter from him and fixed everything, her worries faded away. She unfolded the letter and began to read.

My love. My life. I haven't seen you for weeks and may not see you for few more weeks.
But I haven't once felt alone. You have been with me in my thoughts, always.
But I still miss you. I want to come home to you, spend time with you. I miss the way your smile lights up my day. Your words motivate me. And the way your touch soothes me.
Malva is a beautiful place. I wish you were here now, you would have loved it. But no worries, alliance or not, I will definitely bring you here as my wife. Can't wait for that day. Till then
                       Yours, Parth

Krishnaa smiled.
'He is so sweet', she thought. He would take a few more weeks, sadly. But she had been longing to hear from him, so she was satisfied. She felt unusually happy and joyful all of a sudden. She started humming a tune and swaying to it merrily, while completing her household chores.

"Somebody seems very happy today ", her brother commented, seeing her dancing and singing like that.
Krishnaa nodded.
"What is it? Did Rajkumar come back or something?", he asked.
Krishnaa shook her head. "No bhrata. He isn't back yet. But he sent me a letter", she said.

Drishtdyumn saw the letter in her hand. "Oh, is it? How is he doing? Show me the letter."
He held his hand out.
Krishnaa's eyes widened and she shook her head, hiding the letter behind her back.

Drishtdyumn smirked, knowingly. "Oh I see. A love letter." Krishnaa's cheeks turned crimson.
Drishtdyumn laughed. "Alright, don't show it, but did he atleast tell you how long will he be gone for?"
"No specific time. He said that it might take a few more weeks", she replied.

Drishtdyumn frowned. "Few more weeks. Does it usually take this long?"
"I don't know", she replied. "Mata Kunti said that since it is his first time, it can take some time."
Drishtdyumn nodded. "But, is it necessary? Forming an alliance with Malva?"

Krishnaa sighed. "You sound a lot like Parth. He wasn't convinced at first as well. But Pitashree Pandu has definitely thought about it before taking a decision. And it will be beneficial. Especially since Indraprasth maybe in danger".

Drishtdyumn nodded understanding her point. "Do the Maharaj and Maharani know about this conspiracy?"
Krishnaa shook her head.
"Then, who all know?", he asked.
"Just you, me and Parth", she replied. "The less people know, the better."

Drishtdyumn nodded. There was silence as Krishnaa finished cleaning the kitchen.
"I should go to my room. I have to write a letter and send it to Parth", she said, climbing the stairs to her room.

Krishnaa sat at her table with a quill in her hand. She was writing a letter, the quill, smoothly gliding over the parchment as she wrote the words from her heart. She smiled as she finished the letter, rolling it up, before sending it.


Arjun was impatient and annoyed. Here he is, thinking of ways to persuade Maharaj but he had still not told him of his decision. The proposal was simple. He had also sent a letter to his pitashree asking for a proper agenda regarding the deal, which he had shown to Maharaj.

'What is there to think so much', he wondered. He had tried asking Maharaj whether or not he has decided, but Maharaj had cleverly dodged the question. If they aren't interested, atleast they could let him know. He hasn't spent over two weeks here, only to be disappointed.

A bird flew in and landed on his shoulder, a letter tied to it's leg. He took the letter and unrolled it. A smile appeared on his face, when he saw the name of the sender.
'A letter from Krishnaa', he thought. 'Finally something good today'. He read the letter.

Dear Parth.
I am so happy to hear from you finally. I have been so worried. And I miss you too. But the way I am with you everywhere, you too are with me at all times. I too wish, I was there with you. I am yearning for you. I am longing to be with you. But I understand, your work is very important. But don't worry, you will definitely take me to Malva. When we marry, I am going to accompany you everywhere. I won't let you be alone even for a second. Promise. Till then
                       Yours, Krishnaa.

Parth smiled reading the letter. He was busy thinking about Krishnaa when he heard a knock on his door. A guard walked in.
"Rajkumar Arjun, Maharaj Chetan has taken a decision".

"Rajkumar Arjun, Maharaj Chetan has taken a decision"

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