24: The Palace

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Krishnaa was searching for Parth in the maze-like palace

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Krishnaa was searching for Parth in the maze-like palace.
'How do these people live here', she wondered. 'It is so confusing'.
She took some time to observe the architecture, mammoth structures, statues, pillars, majority of which was gold plated.

She was wandering around, when she heard the sound of footsteps. Nervous, she quickly hid behind a pillar.
"Tell me more", a voice said.
"What more can I say", another replied. "I have already told you how kind hearted and brave she is. She is selfless, doesn't care about herself when it comes to others.

Parth and his brother Bheem came into view. "You are hopelessly in love with her, right?"
"Yes, I am".
Krishnaa blushed for the umpteenth time today. Parth had professed his love for her before, but never spoke of her in this manner.
"Bhratashree, do you know Mata has hidden ladoos in the kitchen".
"Really!"  She heard the sound of footsteps fading away.

Silence. There was absolute silence. Curious, Krishnaa was about to check, when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist from behind.
"Oh look who we have here", a deep voice whispered in her ear. "So, pitashree had been right when he said that walls have ears too".
Krishnaa smirked. "So, someone hasn't told his brothers anything about me."

Krishnaa turned around to look at Parth who shook his head and chuckled.
"By the way, what are you doing here? And where is mata?", Parth asked.
"Maharani had some important work. So she asked you to show me around", Krishnaa responded.
"And may I ask you why you hid behind the pillar like a thief?", he asked
"I got lost. I didn't know if I was supposed to be here or not", she shyly replied.

"You are the future Yurani. You are allowed to be anywhere here". He pulled her towards him and held to close to himself.
Krishnaa smiled against his shoulder. "The palace", she whispered.
Parth nodded and held her hand in his and started to show her around.

"This is the courtroom". Krishnaa stared and the room in fascination. It was a vast, spacious room with several throngs along the circumference. There were steps that led to one majestic throne. The king's throne.
Next, he showed her the huge kitchen, which was being cleaned by several daasis.

"And this is my great grandfather, Maharaj Shantanu", Parth said pointing at a picture of s king. Parth was showing her portraits of his ancestors. "My grandfather, pitamah Bhism is his and Ganga's son".
"Wow ", Krishnaa muttered under her breath.

The library was humungous as well, maybe even bigger than Ratan's. Krishnaa picked up a book and started reading. "You really love to read, don't you?", Parth asked. Krishnaa nodded in reply. There was a pause. "I will show you the gardens. Take the book with you, you can read it there."

Krishnaa took a deep breath. Contrary to the palace, the garden was calm and peaceful, with the sound of insects and smell wet soil. Parth showed her around. The gardens were larger than what she had expected. It reminded her a bit of the forest, except with more open spaces where fountains, swings or other structures were built. She liked it a bit more than the palace.

Feeling tired, Krishnaa sat down on the soft grass and leaned back against a tree. She opened the book and started to read again.

Arjun sat down beside her and observed her as she continued reading. Her eyes glancing over the pages with full focus. The past few days had been hectic and he was glad to get sometime with her. But she was busy reading. He sighed and lay down on the grass, his head on her lap.

"Read to me", he demanded. Krishnaa smiled down at him before reading out loud, her hand caressing his head. Arjun kept staring at her. He closed  his eyes, enjoying these sweet treasured moments.
Her calm, steady voice soothing him immediately.

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now