55: Gone

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It was a very gloomy day and there were clouds over Indraprasth

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It was a very gloomy day and there were clouds over Indraprasth. To Arjun, it felt as if the weather was mirroring his emotions.
The past several days had been stressful. Especially for Arjun. The rebellion had sparked up few times again, before dying down completely.

But that didn't fix anything. Indraprasth was calm. Just calm, not peaceful. It was the calm before the storm. The kingdom was still at it's weakest point. It was getting difficult to manage the kingdom. He could see the stress his oldest brother was going through regarding this.
He wanted to help, but there was nothing he could do. He felt helpless and useless. He was of no help to anyone.

Admist all of this, worry about his Mata-Pita's well-being  and Krishnaa's safety was draining him completely.
He would go to the temple daily, praying for them to return safely. He just hoped that his prayers don't go unheard.

He continued to stare at the sky, almost as if he was waiting for an answer. He didn't know what the next step should be, didn't know what to expect next. His patience was all he had now.
From the corner of his eye, he saw the flame from the oil lamp flicker, before it extinguished.

"Bhrata!", he heard a voice called with urgency.
He turned around to see Nakul running towards him. He frowned. Something was wrong. He sighed, feeling worried, yet exhausted. What could have gone wrong now?

"What happened Nakul?", he asked, his hand hovering over his bow, ready to grab it.
"Bhrata", Nakul panted. "Bhabhi-----".
Nakul didn't finish his sentence, as Arjun interrupted him.
"What happened? Where is she see? Is she back? Is she alright----?"

Arjun trailed off as he saw tears in Nakul's eyes.
His heart skipped a beat. Something is not right.
"What has happened?", he asked, deadly calm this time.
"Bhabhi is....... no more", Nakul managed to choke out.
Arjun heart dropped. It felt as if time had stopped and the world around him froze.

"What did you say?", he asked monotonously, not believing what he had just heard.
"It is true Bhrata. She is no more."


Arjun, accompanied by Nakul went to Krishnaa's house, where she was.
Arjun was numb. He was in denial. He cannot accept that she is no more. That she is gone.
Not until he sees it for himself.

He entered her house hesitantly. How would he face Bhrata Drishtdyumn? What would he say?
He slowly walked to the center of the house.
There she lay. Eyes closed. Her chest wasn't moving. He knew then that she was gone.
He sat next to her, his eyes held a horrified look.
This isn't true. She couldn't leave him. She had promised to be there with him no matter what. She can't leave him now.
He would be lost without her. He would be alone.

He lifted her upper body in his arms and held her tightly.
"Krishnaa", he whispered in her ear, so softly that no one else could hear. "Enough of this. Now wake up. I know you. You can't leave me, you won't. I know you are joking. You are upset with me and want to trouble me. I am sorry. I will never be rude to you again, I will never hurt you. But please, just wake up."

Her body was stiff and cold. No evidence of life in it. Arjun lay her down and looked at her one last time. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought that she was just asleep.
Her face held a serene look, despite being bruised and scarred.
'Why wouldn't she be peaceful', he thought. 'She is free now. Free from the cruel world that has given her nothing but pain. And she is free from me.'

This very thought made him burst into tears. Realization sunk in. She was gone. Really gone. He will never be able to see her beautiful eyes again, never be able to hear her sweet voice again. Never be able to kiss her soft lips. Never be able to hold her in his arms or feel her warmth.

He had lost her forever.

Tried to make the chapter as emotional as I could.
Hopefully it was.

 Hopefully it was

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now