30: Away

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Few weeks later

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Few weeks later

Arjun rode his horse as fast as possible, towards the kingdom of Malva. His pitashree had sent him here on his behalf to meet the king and form an alliance. At first, he wasn't so sure that an alliance would be necessary, but Krishnaa persuaded him saying that if Indraprasth is in trouble, an alliance would be beneficial. She did have a strong point, so he had agreed.

He reached the palace, ending his two-day journey, where the king, Maharaj Chetan, had welcomed him and suggested that he rest before they began their discussions.
Arjun went to the guest room. It was big and royal, but nothing in front of Indraprasth.
He had been traveling for two days and had just reached Malva, but still felt homesick.

He was accustomed to staying away from Indraprasth, but not accustomed to staying away from Krishnaa. Ever since he had known her, they saw each other every few days. But now, they won't be seeing each other for a few weeks. He groaned at the thought.

After a quick nap, he got dressed in the most regal attire and walked towards the Maharaj's private meeting room.
"What kind of alliance do you propose, we must form? And how will this alliance benefit Malva?", Maharaj Chetan asked in a stern voice. Arjun could tell, he was quite rigid and uninterested. Convincing him for an alliance with be a difficult task.

"Maharaj", Arjun began. "Malva and Indraprasth are neighbouring kingdoms. In case of a crisis or war, it would be easier to send army, war horses or weaponry."
Maharaj seemed satisfied with the answer but that didn't change his opinion.

"Malva has good relations and alliances with it's other neighbors. Army and military isn't my concern", he stated proudly.
Arjun sighed. This was his first time, traveling to another kingdom for a political matter. And here Maharaj Chetan is hell bent upon making it difficult for him. Fighting wars isn't his weak point, but handling political affairs.............

He had to think quickly. Military might was one of  Indraprasth's strongest points. But if that didn't work.........
"Economy", he said, after a short pause. "An alliance would benefit both Malva and Indraprasth's economy."
"And how is that?", Maharaj asked. He was still skeptical.

Arjun really wished that Krishnaa was here. She helps his mother in managing  finances of Indraprasth, so she would atleast know something.
"As you know", he spoke. "Indraprasth and Malva, both are prestigious kingdoms. If we maintain business relations, it would be quite useful."
"And what would we do to achieve that?", the king asked, his never ending questions were getting on Arjun's nerves.

"We can reduce business rules for each other's kingdoms."
Maharaj narrowed his eyes, thinking. Arjun silently prayed for Maharaj to accept the offer.
"I need to discuss this with my council", he declared and adjourned the meeting.

Arjun had absolutely no idea for how long their discussion would be. He hoped that Maharaj gives a positive response quickly, and he is able to go home soon.


"Mata, when will Parth be back?", Krishnaa asked Kunti. The two of them were at Indraprasth's treasury, going through the wealth. Kunti smiled. Over the past few months, they had developed a close mother-daughter relationship. Krishnaa found a parental figure which had  been missing in her life for the past eight years and Kunti fulfilled her desire to have a daughter.

"I don't know putri", she replied. "This is his first time, so we can't be sure about how much time he might require."
"But do you think, he will take long? It has already been two weeks", Krishnaa questioned, impatiently.
"Missing him already? You will have to get used to it. He has to start taking active part in kingdom matters and he might have to even go away often", Kunti pointed out.
"Away from Indraprasth. Not from me", Krishnaa responded, confidently.
"What do you mean, putri"  Kunti asked her, curiously. This girl can be unpredictable and her ways were a bit bizarre.

"What I mean is that henceforth, I will go with him", she declared. Kunti chuckled at her words.
"I honestly won't be surprised if you do". Krishnaa smiled.

"Mata, I have finished checking all accounts and looking into finance. Should I leave now?", she asked, handing over the parchment paper to Kunti.
Kunti read through it and nodded,  satisfied with her work.
"It's lunch time already. Putr Drishtdyumn must be waiting for you".
Krishnaa nodded and left.

After lunch, she sat in her room, feeling bored. She had been awaiting news on Parth for two weeks and there was nothing. She missed him. Might seem stupid, but it was what it was.

She closed her eyes, dozing off. She woke up in the evening, to find a piece of parchment paper beside her pillow.

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now