46: Disarray

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Krishnaa's eyes fluttered open to a loud sound coming from the palace gates

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Krishnaa's eyes fluttered open to a loud sound coming from the palace gates. Krishnaa chose to stay at the palace that day, not wanting to go home.
It was the middle of the night and Krishnaa wondered what was going on. Still feeling exhausted, she got up from the swing where she had dozed off, and went to the balcony on the front side of the palace, overlooking the city.

Everyone was present there and looking worried. Krishnaa placed her hands on the railing and stared at the gates from where the banging sound was coming.
"What is happening here?", she asked in a tired voice.
"Rebellion", Yudhishtir answered in a calm yet serious manner.
"What?", Krishnaa asked, now fully awake. Nakul nodded in confirmation.

"Why?", she asked softly.
"The praja got to know that Mata-Pita have been kidnapped. They are rebelling because they don't feel safe here anymore", Sahadev replied. "There must be someone who instigated them."

"I don't understand how did they find out?", Arjun questioned no one in particular. "Who told them?", he asked. Krishnaa looked at him. His voice was monotonous and his eyes held a broken, distant look. She felt worried for him. First his Mata-Pita went missing and now this.

"That doesn't matter", Bheem said with aggression. "We have to stop them. I will go."
Parth looked at Bheem. "I will come as well", he volunteered. "Wait for me, I will go and get my bow."
He left for his chambers and Krishnaa followed him.

"Parth", she called out, entering his chambers. She rushed upto him and placed her hands on his shoulders.
"Parth", she said. "I will come with you."
"No", he replied curtly. "Don't come. You will get in the way."
His voice and words were harsh, making her flinch.

He started walking out. "Parth", Krishnaa interrupted him again and moved to stand in front of him. "But I can help. Let me come", she pleaded.
Parth closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Just let me go", he spoke sternly.

Krishnaa nodded and moved out of his way. Parth left, without turning back, without looking at her.
She felt hurt, but didn't hold any grudge against Parth. He has been through a lot since the previous night.
He is stressed out and tired. Krishnaa decided not to think too much about it and didn't take his words to heart.

Krishnaa stayed behind at the palace along with the oldest Rajkumar and the twins.
Yudhishtir and Mahamantri were in the meeting chambers, discussing what to do next, while Krishnaa and the twins were trying to manage everything going on in the palace.

Krishnaa couldn't help but feel scared. Her worst nightmares were coming true. Indraprasth was in trouble and Maharaj and Maharani were missing.
The praja was clueless and scared, not knowing their fate. Things were going out of hand. And there was nothing any of them could do.


It was morning and the rebels had calmed down, maybe temporarily, but they had.
Arjun felt as if nothing in his life was under his control anymore.
He had to find his Mata and Pita, but he had no idea from where to start.

Who had kidnapped them? And why? Where were they? How were they? What does the person want from them?

All these questions swarmed in his head. He wanted answers. He felt hopeless and helpless and he hated this feeling.
He, along with Bhrata Bheem headed towards the palace.

"What happened?", Bhrata Yudhishtir asked, sounding tensed.
"We have stopped the rebellion for now", Bheem said.
"What do you mean by 'for now'?", Yudhishtir questioned.

Bheem shook his head. "The praja is still disturbed. We can't say when they will start rebelling again."
Yudhishtir looked worried now.
"How are things at the palace?", Arjun asked.
"It's fine", was the answer.
"And Mata-Pita.....?", Arjun asked.

Yudhishtir sighed. "We have sent guards and spies all over Aryavrat to search for them", he replied. "Hopefully we get a lead soon."
Arjun nodded.

Without waiting for another moment, he went to his chambers.
He sat alone on his bed, staring into space. Now that he was finally alone, it gave him time to think. And that's what he did.

He kept thinking. His mind going back to the previous night. He wondered where did he go wrong. Where?
He knew that someone was conspiring against Indraprasth, but it was all still unexpected.
The image of his Mata-Pita's room, last night flashed in front of his eyes. He shuddered. That very image traumatized him.

He involuntarily kept thinking of the past few months. He wanted to know if things could have been different.
The last few months. He was so absorbed in his personal life that he failed to pay attention towards the conspiracy.

He was over the moon and had spent his entire time with Krishnaa or thinking about their wedding.
He had let his guard down. He should have been more aware of everything happening around him. He should have been more alert.
He was submerged in self-blame and guilt.

"Parth", a voice called. Krishnaa entered his room and sat down beside him. "What happened? Is everything alright?"
Looking at her, made Arjun angry. It reminded him that he wasn't a caring son. He wasn't an ideal warrior. She reminded him of his inefficiency.

He glared at her. "You think everything is alright?", he questioned rudely.
"Parth. Why are you talking to me like this?", she asked in a whisper.
"Why am I talking rudely? Why is all this about you now? Can't you see how I feel right now?!", he nearly yelled at her.

"Parth.....", she whimpered.
But Arjun didn't stop. His tongue was no longer under his control.
"I was so distracted by you, by us that despite knowing about the conspiracy, I did nothing. I couldn't protect my parents, I failed them. I failed Indraprasth", he was out of breath. He paused, Krishnaa was silent.

"This shouldn't have been happening", he spoke, more calmly this time. "I should have focused solely on Indraprasth, I shouldn't have agreed to get married so soon."
He heard a whimper. He turned around to see Krishnaa staring at him, teary eyed, but this time, her tears didn't prick his heart.

Without another word, Krishnaa got up and ran out of his room.


Krishnaa sat on the veranda of her house, head buried in her knees as her tears soaked the cloth.
She understood that Parth was going through a lot at the time, but his words hurt. A lot.

'Was he blaming me for what happened? Does he think that I am the reason he couldn't protect his parents? Does he regret loving me?'

"Oh Lord", she whispered under her breath. "What do I do now?"

She then felt a warm hand on her head. The touch of this person comforted her. She raised her head to see who it was.



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